Higher Education for Children with Learning Disabilities

By on 1-13-2011 in Education Reform, Learning Disabilities

Higher Education for Children with Learning Disabilities

One area that we will discuss on this blog is educational reform for children that have been in foster care or have been adopted. Many have learning disabilities (LD) that are not properly addressed in US schools today. Some background information about learning disabilities in adopted children can be found here http://tinyurl.com/5vg2tdx “Significantly more adopted children had LD than nonadopted children (20.4% vs 9.3%, respectively).”
 [Pediatrics Vol. 119 Suppl. feb 20007 pp.s77-s83]

This article takes a look at possibilities and challenges for higher learning for those with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.
[The New York Times 1/9/11 by Abby Goodnough]

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