DOS: Ecuador

By on 4-21-2021 in Ecuador, USDOS

DOS: Ecuador

From here:
“ECUADOR – Foreign Authorization – Ecuadorian Central Authority Interest in Additional U.S. ASPs

Last Updated: April 13, 2021
The Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, on behalf of the Autoridad Central del Ecuador en Materia de Adopciones Internacionales, the Ecuadorian Central Authority for the Hague Adoption Convention, requested the U.S. Department of State to inform ASPs that  Ecuador is seeking additional U.S. accredited ASPs.

The following information, provided by the Ecuadorian Central Authority, is intended to explain the process for seeking authorization in Ecuador. ASPs should submit additional questions directly to the Ecuadorian Central Authority by email to

To be an Adoption Service Provider in Ecuador, ASPs must comply with the following requirements:

Request for Authorization to Operate, addressed to the Director of Adoptions and Legal Clarification, Central Authority in Intercountry Adoptions, duly signed by the legal representative for the Ecuadorian Adoption Agency, outlining: the name of the requesting adoption agency, headquarters, main address, email and telephone number;

Document that outlines the agency´s legal status and indicates that it is legally declared in its country of origin as a Non-Profit Organization;

Updated certification from the Central Adoption Authority or other relevant officials in the country of domicile of the prospective adoptive parents where the adopted child will reside indicating that the agency is duly accredited to manage international adoptions;

Certification of the legal representative in Ecuador;

Certificate issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin outlining the trajectory, experience, goals and objectives, along with the management and administrative structure of the organization for a minimum of five years;

Updated police certificate, or equivalent in accordance with applicable regulations in the country of origin, certifying the absence of criminal or judicial records for each member of the ASP;

Commitment letter from the ASP stating that the psychological, legal, family and social medical evaluations performed are in accordance with the parameters established by the Office of Adoptions and Legal Clarification;

Commitment letter from the ASP pledging the provision of comprehensive health, social, psychological and legal services;

Commitment letter from the ASP which obligates the organization to provide monitoring and support services abroad, under the supervision of the Central Authority in International Adoption, to the youths adopted in accordance with the parameters outlined in the Childhood and Adolescence Code;

Commitment letter stating that the ASP will release its administrative and financial information to the relevant authority in Ecuador;

Commitment letter indicating that the ASP will submit any and all information required by the Central Authority on International Adoption;

Commitment letter in which the prospective adoptive parents for Intercountry Adoption acknowledge proficiency of the Spanish language;

Establishment of a bank account in Ecuador, through which the ASP will conduct all its transactions;

Sworn statement of the legal representative of the organization from of the country of origin relating to the legality of the organization´s finances; and

The organizations´ statutes should indicate as their objective the protection of children and adolescents in accordance with the legislation in their country of origin, as well as that of Ecuador, based on the principles established in the Convention on Child Rights along with other international applicable standards.
All documentation must be delivered translated to Spanish and authenticated by Ecuadorian consular authorities, in agreement with international treaties.

** Note: The Adoption Oversight Division in the Office of Children’s Issues can provide an accreditation verification letter to satisfy Ecuadorian requirement #3. ASPs may email to request this official communication.”

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