Adoption Induced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Mothers of the Baby Scoop Era

By on 1-26-2012 in Coercion, PTSD

Adoption Induced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Mothers of the Baby Scoop Era

We have discussed PTSD in adoptees in posts here. This 2010 article examines traumatizing adoption industry practices in the Baby Scoop Era. Read it in its entirety here.

Conclusion: “Other nations recognize PTSD as a consequence and strongly recommend that pre-surrender PTSD counseling with pregnant girls should be included. The New South Wales Law Reform Commission cites Wells’ 1993 study in Footnote 59 of its final report. The report states that their pamphlet should “… place more emphasis on the psychological effects… Serious attention is now being given to the link between relinquishment and the development of post-traumatic stress disorder in birth mothers” (New South Wales Law Reform Commission, 1997, 5.76).

Today, as Baby Scoop Era mothers of adoption loss are entering the winter of their lives, it is imperative that extensive research be quickly undertaken in order to explore the incidence and extent of their suffering from symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, some for over five decades.”

REFORM Puzzle Piece


Coercion is still prevalent in domestic and international placements. This needs to be recognized and reformed.

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