Christian Alliance for Orphans Bills a CCAI Survey as one from USCIS UPDATED

By on 2-09-2012 in CCAI, Christian Alliance for Orphans, Ethiopia, Rebecca Harris, Unethical behavior, USCIS

Christian Alliance for Orphans Bills a CCAI Survey as one from USCIS UPDATED

Yes, that is right. Spreading like wildfire across yahoo groups and forums in the past 24 hours are messages urging PAPs to complete a survey about their interactions with US officials.

Christian Alliance for Orphans says this survey is from USCIS. See here. But if you click on the survey, it OBVIOUSLY is from CCAI as the email address is to CCAI. CCAI works hand in hand with Christian Alliance for Orphans (aka the adoption industry) and what this REALLY is about is collecting bad experiences from Ethiopia PAPs about the NOIDS going on in Ethiopia.

I can tell that the industry will be pulling out all stops to deflect the unethical activities in Ethiopia caused by the adoption industry. Since the industry has no defense, they will try to make this about the big, bad USE being mean to PAPs.

This is interesting timing as we just remarked about how CCAI interns spoke recently at a Christian Alliance for Orphans event in  last week’s FacePalm Friday, item #4.

The Meeting

The Christian Alliance for Orphans blog says “Results received by February 14 at 5:00pm will be made available to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for use in an upcoming roundtable on intercountry adoption. The survey will remain open until March 1.” That meeting was NOT SUPPOSED to be put in the public domain. You know that, Jedd. You can’t unring that bell, can you? Nor do I think you would want to.

I don’t find it very Christian to LIE about who is behind a survey and its purpose…do you Jedd Medefind? Is there a special exemption on truth when it comes to adoption?

REFORM Puzzle Piece

Honest Representation2

Stop lying!

Update: Chatter indicates that this is even worse-that it is a COLLABORATIVE effort of JCICS, NCFA and CCAI. See public forum China Adopt Talk at currently the third post down says that their agency had them complete it and who is collaborating. If true, it wouldn’t surprise me, but they have some SERIOUS explaining to do. Either  they thought no one would know the difference between the USCIS and CCAI or they simply do not care.

Update 2/evening Feb 9: Christian Alliance for Orphans has modified who they say has asked for the survey. All those acronyms must have gotten them confused.

“NOTE: The initial form of this post noted that it was USCIS offering this survey. In fact, the survey was created and is being circulated at the request of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. As stated in the survey description below, results received by February 14th will be used by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to inform an upcoming roundtable discussion on intercountry adoption. The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute administered the online survey and is assisting in collecting the results.”

Update 3/February 13

A new message is floating around about the survey entitled:

“”Urgent-Request for Input to Congress on USCIS”

“US Congress is looking for input on families experiences with USCIS.
Needs to be submitted by 2/14!”

and at the bottom  is

“Thank you for your time and participation.
| REBECCA HARRIS | Joint Council on International Children’s Services “


  1. I'm confused. The updated blog post still doesn't say who authored the survey. Was it CCAI or the Senate Committee?

  2. Anonymous, it is clear as mud. Don't you love how they carefully selected the words and put it in a passive tone. "The survey was created" LOL. This survey is not only on the Christian Alliance blog but was forwarded to PAPs by agencies. The CCAI collaborates with agencies and accompanies them to foreign countries, so you need to think about *who* benefits the most from a laundry list of sob stories.

  3. Maybe I am dumb, but I am trying to understand this. The US Foreign Senate Committee allegedly authorized the CCAI (and possibly NCFA and JCICS) to create a survey for adoptive parents and adoption agencies. Then they had the Christian Alliance for Orphans post this on the their site and sent to agencies to send to their clients and seemed to target PAPs in China and Ethiopia programs. Did I get that right? This is really screwy. Does the CCAI have that kind of authority on behalf of a Senate committee? Why? And why would they promote their survey on another nonprofit's website? This is bizarro.

  4. Anonymous 12:15 AM: I think you are right (not dumb at all!)but I want to expand my opinion further and add that I believe that they also were targeting the APs that were part of the Bac Lieu cases/Vietnam; the Kyrgz 60+ PAPs, the Nepal PAPs and even the Guat PAPs. There is one commonality to this group of APs/PAPs and that is that corruption clouded their adoptions. In the case of speeding up Special Focus adoptions, for some reason PAPs think that they should get special treatment though the laws and regulations do not have any clause about this.

    I want to again refer readers to our post on how adoption really is 2 processes-immigration and adoption and BOTH have separate hurdles that MUST BE met for the child to come to the US. See

    Lastly, it still boggles my mind at how Senators and House Reps can openly be involved in a lobbying group (CCAI)that has visions to open up more adoption businesses in new countries (see their link on the 20/20 Vision program at and how some of those same Senators ALSO sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I think it is important to note that current SOS Hillary Clinton, when a NY Senator, was also part of CCAI.

  5. I asked if they were deleting all responses prior to the correction as that seemed to be the ethical thing to do – because it is – filled out based on false information equals false pretenses.

    Although I sometimes wonder if they assume lies in adoption are acceptable because they are so common…sigh…

  6. They can't even keep their own stories straight.

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