How Could You? Hall of Shame-Jason Hignight UPDATED

By on 1-20-2011 in Abuse in adoption, Adoptee, How could you? Hall of Shame, Jason Hignight, Texas

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Jason Hignight UPDATED
This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.
From Lubbock, Texas, 32-year-old former police officer Jason Wesley Hignight has been charged with sexually assaulting his two adoptive daughters, aged 12 and 16. It is alleged that he began assaulting them three years ago.
[Lubbock Avalanche Journal 1/20/11 by Robin Pyle]
REFORM Puzzle Piece
Update/July 18, 2013
Jason is on adoptee search sites as an adoptee. His wife divorced him in December 2011.

“A district judge will decide whether new evidence warrants keeping what could be a serial rapist behind bars.

Judge Jim Bob Darnell will rule on whether to reduce former Lubbock police officer Jason Hignight’s $200,000 bail after hearing evidence of rape allegations by a third victim – this time an adult.

Hignight, 32, is jailed on multiple sex-crime charges stemming from allegations he sexually assaulted his adopted daughters, ages 16 and 12.

Criminal District Attorney Matt Powell today provided Darnell a witness affidavit in which an adult victim alleges Hignight sexually assaulted her before he was a police officer.

The woman, who was 18 at the time of the alleged assault, came forward after Hignight was arrested and his charges were publicized”

[Lubbock Online 2/11/11 by Logan G. Carter]

“A jailed former Lubbock police officer faces additional sexual assault charges for allegedly raping a woman in 2006.Jason Hignight, already in jail for allegedly sexually assaulting his adopted daughters, was charged today with two counts of sexual assault against an adult victim.”

Former Lubbock police officer charged with additional sex crimes

[Lubbock Online 2/23/11 by Logan G. Carter]

“A Lubbock County grand jury on Tuesday again indicted a former Lubbock police officer for forcing sex.

This time grand jurors handed up an indictment for the sexual assault of an adult victim who says Jason Hignight forced himself on her in 2006.

Hignight, 32, had been previously indicted last month and remained jailed on multiple sex-crime charges stemming from allegations he sexually assaulted his adopted daughters, ages 16 and 12.

Hignight’s wife caught him in the older daughter’s room with his pants unbuckled and the girl naked from the waist down, according to court documents.

The adult woman recontacted Lubbock Rape Crisis Center after hearing about the charges against Hignight, according to a police report.

She reported the incident to the crisis center in 2006, but declined to have the assaults reported to law enforcement.

According to a police report, Hignight forced intercourse twice when he lived next door to the woman.”

Former LPD officer Jason Hignight again indicted

[Lubbock Online3/8/11 by Logan G. Carter]

“A former Lubbock police officer accused of molesting two of his adopted daughters will go on trial for those accusations Monday, October 8th, and will also go to trial for the alleged rape of a woman in 2007.

That victim came forward last year saying 32-year old Jason Hignight raped her twice when she was 18-years old.Court documents reveal the alleged assaults happened in 2007 at a duplex near 35th and Quaker. At the time Hignight lived in the same building as the woman. The victim did make a report with the Lubbock Rape Crisis Center in may of 2007 but charges were never filed against her attacker. The woman says she decided to come forward and pursue charges after she saw Hignight on the news accused of molesting his daughters.

Hignight was indicted by a Grand Jury back in February of 2011, on charges of sexual assault with a child.

He resigned from the Lubbock Police Department in January, 2011, just before he was arrested. ”

Former LPD Officer’s Trial on Child Molesting Charges Starts Today

[Everything Lubbock 10/8/12]

“The trial of a former Lubbock police officer scheduled to start Monday has once again been postponed and no new trial date has been set.

Jason Hignight, 32, was indicted in February of last year on two counts of sexual assault of a child.
Prosecutors say he sexually assaulted his adopted daughters, who were 12 and 16 at the time.
Hignight was also indicted in March of last year in a separate case after a woman came forward claiming that he raped her in 2007.”

Trial postponed for former LPD officer accused of sexual assault

[KCBD 10/8/12 ]

Update 3: “A former West Texas police officer has been sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to sexual abuse of a child.

Lubbock County District Attorney Matt Powell says 35-year-old Jason Hignight was sentenced Monday in Lubbock, where he worked as an officer for about a year. Hignight entered his plea just before his trial was scheduled to begin. He must serve half his sentence before he’s eligible for parole.

Police reports show a teenage girl who had been adopted by Hignight and his former wife accused him in 2011 of assaulting her over three years. Another adopted daughter made similar claims.

Police say there were five children living at his home when he was arrested in 2011. Hignight was suspended from the police force and Powell says he later resigned.”

Former officer sentenced for sexual abuse of child[ News Channel 10 2/3/14 by Associated Press]

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