FacePalm Friday

By on 4-21-2012 in FacePalm Friday

FacePalm Friday

Welcome to this week’s edition of FacePalm Friday.

This is where your hosts will list their top picks for this week’s FacePalm moment—something they learned or read about this week that caused the FacePalm to happen (you know, the expression of embarrassment, frustration, disbelief, shock, disgust or mixed humor as depicted in our Rally FacePalm smiley).

We invite you to add your FacePalm of the week to our comments. Go ahead and add a link, tell a personal story, or share something that triggered the FacePalm on the subject of child welfare or adoption.

Your Host’s Selections:

(1) At age 60, all you need is love and frozen burritos to adopt….
Encourages Others To Adopt In Southern Colorado [KRDO 4/12/12 by Mireya Garcia]

“KRDO NewsChannel13 spoke to Jackie Washburn on Monday about her adoption of two children with shaken baby syndrome, but there is much more to her life and love of children.The former special education teacher has one full Black Forest home.“They really need, need, need people to love them,” said Washburn of her children.She has two biological children and has adopted 15 special needs children in her life, and shared family photos of all of them. One large group picture shows some of the boys at church wearing matching outfits.“We are all given gifts. No gift is better than the other. My gift is caring for children many people cannot care for,” said Washburn.Washburn has adopted her children through Adoption Exchange based in Colorado, and said she is an advocate of adoption.“You don’t need a fancy house. I don’t have dishes that match. I eat a lot of frozen foods and burritos. You just have to have the desire to parent a child,” said Washburn.Washburn is in her early 60s and more full of energy than any 20-year-old, but said it’s time to enjoy the love in her home now, and leave any more adoptions to others in the community.”

(2) Circle of Moms Top 25 Mommy Bloggers Contest Cancelled

You see they only wanted ‘mom bloggers who write about adoption or foster parenting in a supportive, positive way.” One of the bloggers was a first mom and she was kicked out, starting a chain-link reaction.

The adoptive mom’s take on this Marvelous Love Blog

The first mom who was kicked out http://www.adoption-truth.com/

Declassified Adoptee’s remarks Declassified Adoptee

Shucks! *I* wanted to be kicked out of this contest!

(3) For-Profit adoption agency executive of MLJ featured in working mommy article

When Mom Travels for Work [NY TImes 4/17/12 by Julie Weed] DesiSmileys.com

(4)The Adoption Firm “Getting to Christian Adoption” http://www.theadoptionfirm.com/2012/04/16/getting-to-christian-adoption/

You can learn about “Godly-Seed Path

With the backdrop of our spiritual adoption in view, we are ready to explore the two most common paths that believers travel in getting to adoption. The first path is what I call the Godly-Seed Path. Many Christian couples get to this path because they have experienced infertility. ”

and the “Orphan-Care Awareness Path” including his new orphan definition “Orphan care professionals are not in agreement about the best way to define who constitutes an orphan. For example, to be considered an orphan, would both parents have to be deceased or just one? What if the parents are not deceased, but just abandoned the child? What if the parent is in prison?

I propose an expansive definition of “orphan” by utilizing the American Standard Versions interpretation of James 1:27 which interprets the Greek word, ὀρφανοὺς, as “fatherless.” We can reason from this interpretation that the “affliction” Holy Spirit, through James, is calling us to visit is linked to a person’s status as “fatherless.”

He needs a 50cc dose of Smolin  stat!  emoticon, smiley, animated gif of hospitals, doctor, nurse, ambulance, illness, sick, medical, medicine, pharmacy

One Comment

  1. Ya know, I sent a comment about Ms. Michelle Jackson to the esteemed New York Times, and the Commie liberals didn't print it! Dang! I thought they would appreciate me pointing out the photographer's subtle take on white parent colonial privilege with Mommy Jackson's cute little black babies in her suitcase!!!

    I thought the NYT was all about all the news that's fit to print – so why aren't they printing the TRUTH about ETHICAL VIOLATIONS IN THE CONGO, not about how to tell hubby not to burn down the house when mommy's away. Pathetic!!!!!!!

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