Tyler Trevino Father’s Rights Case

By on 9-12-2013 in Catholic Charities, Father's Rights, Kentucky, Tyler Trevino

Tyler Trevino Father’s Rights Case

From Kentucky, another birthmother lied to a father and placed a child with an adoptive couple. This time, the birthmother told Tyler Trevino,20, that she aborted the child. A mutual friend told him  that the child had not been aborted. His daughter was one month old when he found out.

Catholic Charities is the placing agency. Currently, Catholic Charities has custody of the child. Even though DNA has proven Tyler to be the father, he has yet to see his 5-month-old daughter. The next hearing isn’t until November.

“His baby girl was born five months ago and the mother and another man, he said, gave the baby away, all without him even knowing about it.

Now, Trevino has filed a petition for sole custody to get his daughter.

Trevino said he knows his daughter’s name, but has yet to meet her.

His former girlfriend, he said, told him she was pregnant after they broke up last year.

“It was a real shock to me because I didn’t think she was pregnant, and all of the sudden, it’s ‘Oh! I’m about to be a father,'” said Trevino.

But just as Trevino was adjusting to the idea of becoming a father, he said his former girlfriend delivered yet another piece of shocking news.

“I asked how she and the baby were doing and she was like, ‘What baby?’ And I was like, ‘Our child.’ And she was like, ‘Well, I got an abortion.’ I was completely devastated,” said Trevino.

But Trevino’s daughter was not gone, she was born, without him knowing it, on March 7. He found out more than a month after the birth.

“You didn’t know for more than a month that you had a daughter?” WLKY’s Duane Pohlman asked Trevino.

“Correct,” he said.

“What was it like to find out you had a daughter?” Pohlman asked.

“I actually found out from a mutual friend that the child was born and was given up for adoption,” Trevino said.

“Would you ever have given up your child for adoption?” Pohlman asked Trevino.

He answered, “I would not.”

In a petition Trevino filed in Jefferson County family court, Trevino is seeking sole custody, contending Catholic Charities was awarded temporary custody of the child based on knowingly false statements by the mother that her new boyfriend was the father.

In response, the mother filed papers stating she was in a relationship with the new boyfriend at the time she discovered she was pregnant and believed him to be the father of the child.

He wasn’t — Trevino is.

“The DNA test shows that he is the father of the child. So, obviously, it was a mistake,” said Trevino’s attorney, Dean Sutton.

Sutton said that wrong needs to be righted.

“We believe this child belongs with my client, but at the very least, my client will have parenting time,” said Sutton.

That is what Trevino said he wanted all along.

“You going to get your daughter? Pohlman asked Trevino.

“Eventually, is what everyone keeps telling me, I will get my daughter, but as of right now, I haven’t even seen her for the first time yet. This is my flesh and blood. This is my daughter. This is something I helped create and I want to step up and take care of her,” Trevino said.

But it appears Trevino will not get his daughter any time soon. So far, the court has not only denied him custody, it denied him the right to even visit his own daughter, and a full custody hearing isn’t scheduled until Nov. 21. [How Sick!]

WLKY reached out to the child’s mother and her attorney, as well as Catholic Charities and its attorney, but none agreed to an on-camera interview.”

Father struggling for custody of his daughter

[WLKY 8/23/13 by Duane Pohlman]

See a video interview with the 5-month-old baby’s  father  from HLN here


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One Comment

  1. Catholic Charities, the placing agency, has no comment? I can only surmise that they are afraid of backlash. Is there a link to a court case that denied him custody?

    I hope Tyler appeals.

    It seems like children are property, not human beings with rights.

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