FacePalm Friday

By on 4-28-2012 in FacePalm Friday

FacePalm Friday

Welcome to this week’s edition of FacePalm Friday.

This is where your hosts will list their top picks for this week’s FacePalm moment—something they learned or read about this week that caused the FacePalm to happen (you know, the expression of embarrassment, frustration, disbelief, shock, disgust or mixed humor as depicted in our Rally FacePalm smiley).

We invite you to add your FacePalm of the week to our comments. Go ahead and add a link, tell a personal story, or share something that triggered the FacePalm on the subject of child welfare or adoption.

Your Host’s Selections:

(1) “Thriving Twins Go Hollywood” in a new J Lo movie 14 months after adoption eyes
Thriving Twins Go Hollywood
[The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 4/24/12 by Gracie Bonds Staples]  is full of facepalms. From
“The Howards knew these were their boys — special needs or not, that if they could just get them back to the States, to good medical care and the love they needed, they’d be OK.” to

““I think we’ve just won the Ethiopian lottery,”  eyebrow to

“The couple is hoping the twins’ part in the movie, scheduled for release May 18, and their own personal story will help raise awareness about the need for adoption.”     to

“They have created a blog — www.oursammyand
asher.com — to share their twins’ story, one that may have played a role in Asher and Samuel landing at the top among thousands vying for a part in the upcoming film “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” based on a New York Times best-seller of the same name.”

The ADad at http://dadlosophies.blogspot.com/

You can see that they support Dr. Aronson’s organizations WWO and the Amom s a “lead Coach” for something called “Family  Upward”-which is an unlicensed, biblical-based parent coaching biz. An excerpt from http://www.familyupward.com/parentcoaching.html


A parent coach is a trained and knowledgeable individual who assists and offers guidance to parents striving to improve their approach to parenting. Although there are times when a licensed counselor or therapist may be the best option, many parenting issues can be effectively resolved without spending the hundreds of
dollars per hour such services often require.


Any parent can benefit from meeting with a parent coach. Typically, our coaches work with parents seeking to correct minor to severe behavior problems, reassess their own approach to parenting, improve communication with their kids, put an end to parent-child shouting matches, stop toddler temper tantrums, transform disrespectful kids into mindful children, and/ or turn rebellious teens into responsible and respectful teenagers.

Parent coaching can also help people who have just become parents, are expecting a baby, or are thinking about starting a family. How? By meeting periodically with a parent coach before problems arise, moms and dads can lay a strong and healthy foundation which will help them avoid many of the pitfalls and heartaches so many parents experience later in their child’s life.


In the 1960s, the United States experienced a social revolution that influenced nearly every area of American society. A major theme of this era was to question and, in many cases, tear down traditional institutions of authority. Two of the institutions that came under fire were the authority of parents and Judeo-Christian ethics. The model of parenting that had shaped U.S. families for generations (one based on Judeo-Christian principles and traditional methods) suddenly found itself under attack. The end result was that young parents stopped turning to the Bible and their elders for parenting advice and started relying on “experts” in the mental health profession to define “good parenting.” Today, many American parents have rejected the Bible and earlier generations of parents as the true experts on parenting, choosing instead to surrender that title to members of the psychological profession.

While some might argue this was a positive shift, the data doesn’t seem to support such a conclusion. The ratio of cases involving child depression, teen suicides, violence in schools, substance abuse, and so on, have all increased drastically since the 1960s. Parents and school teachers alike report having to deal with rebelliousness, disrespect, and sometimes even violent assaults from kids that parents and teachers of former generations never could have imagined. Meanwhile, more and more kids are being diagnosed and medicated for disorders like ADHD, which didn’t even exist fifty years ago when teachers and parents reported far fewer behavioral problems than they do today.

In short, it seems that American parents have traded a tested and proven approach to parenting that yielded generally well-behaved, respectful, and self-reliant children for one that is producing undisciplined, disrespectful, and parent-dependent kids. The danger is that we are raising a generation of future adults who will feel a far greater sense of entitlement than they do responsibility.


Family Upward works to steer parents back to the biblical principles and effective methods employed by earlier generations of parents. While we recognize that the psychological profession has made some positive contributions, we also believe that the available data suggests that many of today’s accepted “truths” regarding parenting have proved more destructive than helpful. At Family Upward, we help parents redirect their parenting by focusing on key areas like:

The Long-term Vision You Have for Your Child
The Biblical Role of a Parent
The True Nature of Children
The Biblical Role of a Child
How Love Encompasses Discipline
The Biblical Definition of Discipline
The Role Your Marriage Plays in Your Parenting
And Other Biblically-based Teachings”

(2)Adoption Course given by Guatemalan AP/in a vacuum

Penn State University April 25, 2012. PSU knows ethics, eh?

“In summer 2009, Crissman Ishler recognized the lack of coverage the topic of adoption received at Penn State as well as at universities across America. Through her research, Crissman Isher has only been able to find one other course from universities across the country that specifically focuses on the topic of adoption — the University of Massachusetts Amherst, which offers a course on the psychology of adoption.

Since adopting her daughter from Guatemala in 2005, she holds the subject of adoption near and dear to her heart, and she believes it is an important topic for students to learn about.

“I had been in HDFS for four years and began looking at courses. There was an involvement gap with adoption. It wasn’t covered much,” Crissman Ishler said. “I approached my boss to ask if I could teach the course for professional development but also because a large number of people either know someone or have been directly impacted by adoption and would be able to relate to a course on adoption.”

Right away, students showed interest. “The first semester it was offered, spring 2010, the class had 45 spots available,” Crissman Ishler said. “Those spots filled up right away. I had to ask if we could increase the class for more students to join. It ended up filling to 90 students before we had to cut it off. It went very well.”

The course is designed to provide students with in-depth information revolving around adoption. Topics covered include open and closed adoptions, domestic and international adoption, domestic partner issues — from myths and stereotypes to states’ legal requirements of those seeking to adopt — and the positives and negatives that can occur throughout the adoption process. However, Crissman Ishler’s main objective focuses on encouraging her students to critically think about the emotional aspects of adoption.

“At the end of the day, I want students to know the five core issues — loss, rejection, guilt, grief, identity — that affect the three triad members — birth parents, adoptive child, adoptive parents,” noted Crissman Ishler. “It’s about learning the psychological and emotional aspects included in adoption and asking, ‘How are families formed?’ ”

“In general, just having an understanding of the different types of adoptions has expanded my thoughts and ideas,” said Kristi Bricker, a senior majoring in human development and family studies who has taken the course. “When you go into a course like this you think you have a good understanding, but I quickly realized my understandings were all the myths of adoption. No matter who you are, you will walk in thinking certain things and you will walk out with a new grasp on the idea of adoption.”

Crissman Ishler believes learning about adoption helps to broaden students’ knowledge base and encourages students to consider critical questions.

“Have they thought about issues of race? Stopped to think about the birth mom and birth dad, what about them? How has adoption affected them?” Crissman Ishler. asked. “This course encourages students to take a deep, thoughtful and critical look at adoption. It ties research into the idea of adoption and realizing it’s not just about pop culture — the Madonnas, the Brad and Angelinas. We’re required to ask the question, ‘How has adoption changed trends in the world?’ ”

“By taking this course I have already felt a calling into the adoption world,” said Bricker. “Whether it’s adopting children later in my life or working for an adoption agency, I feel that this is something that’s going to stick with me. Each class I walk out learning something new and expanding on what I have learned from the previous classes.”

In the future, Crissman Ishler hopes to continue providing this course, currently listed as HDFS 453, to students of all majors, years, races and genders.

“Adoption impacts everyone,” Crissman Ishler stated. “People are always connected to adoption in some way; whether they know someone who has adopted or were personally adopted. It’s a great thing.”

CLEARLY this course is about the AP and nothing else.

Other blurbs about her course and 48-hour swoop into Guatemala to adopt can be seen here and here.

Isn’t this sweet? They send their old clothes to the Guat foster mom. See here

“During the week between Christmas and New Year’s, we clean out our closets and send some clothes to the foster mom in Guatemala who cared for our daughter until we adopted her.”

(3)Hat tip to a reader who sent us these contrasting posts-first a gagtastic AP post followed by a sane biological mother post


“Someone who could not wait to have “her” child home, “advocating” for “special needs adoptions” and showing a certain degree of bitchyness when members of the triad dare enter an adoption blogger contest, needed a break from her newly adopted child. What a great way to build a healthy relationship.

On the other hand, isn’t getting a manicure a real reason to take a break from your kid?Manicure Smiley

It makes such a nice contrast to this post (of a bio mother). http://www.shelaughsatthedays.net/2012/04/i-choose-being-here.html

(4) Contender for the Facepalm of the Year

NCFA to induct 125-year old Gladney into its “Hall of Fame.” They will join other inductees such as “President Gerald Ford, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Lloyd Bentsen, Senator Mary Landrieu, Ruby Lee Piester and The Gannett Company.” Yes, you read that right….a major conglomerate media company (I assume for the positive adoption coverage).Reading newspaper

“The Gladney Center for Adoption stands apart from others in the field for its comprehensive and unique approach: its leading domestic, international, foster care, and special needs adoption programs. In addition, Gladney is known for state-of-the-art maternity services included live at home or live at Gladney’s dorm options, medical care, educational and career development programs for birth mothers, and humanitarian aid offered to orphans around the world. Most importantly, Gladney provides lifelong educational and counseling programs and services for its adoptive children, adoptive parents and birth parents.”

Gladney Center for Adoption Marks 125th Anniversary [Sun Herald 4/24/12]


  1. In addition to (illegally) plastering pics and private medical info about a kid in Ukraine who may not even be legally available for adoption, this lovely Reece's Rainbow PAP is charmingly throwing an online "birthday party" for her faux referral and has gone ahead and

    "I have created a list of typical things that we would buy Jackson for his third birthday. We are asking that you choose one of these items and instead of buying the item, we ask that you donate the cost of the item towards our adoption grant. Use the box on the side of the blog, where it says 'donate'. Your donation is tax deductible. The only thing that Jackson truly needs for his third birthday is to be home. We are so close and every single penny helps us. We appreciate every one of our friends and family who have prayed, donated and shared our story. We couldn't have done this without you. When you 'buy' one of these items for Jackson, can you please leave us a message and share on your blog or facebook? That way, I know who to enter into our $25 American Cookie Company gift card giveaway. What's a birthday party without cake!?!? "


    This AP's blog is oh so respectfully titled Chinababy — and she blogs that her very newly (so new that she's still in china!! Has had physical custody of the kid for all of a week!) adopted kid was obviously

    " raised by wolves. And it shows. This is a kid who was abandoned at 3, went to the orphanage for a couple years, a foster family for a year or two, back to the orphanage for a year or two, again to a foster family for a couple years, then adopted. In that time, he's had a total of one year of school. The rest of the time, he did…. well, we're not sure".

    Because it's totally reasonable to expect a kid whose gone through all *that* should instabond to his new parents!!


    This lovely RR PAP has 13 kids at home AND runs a group home for adults with intellectual disabilities in their home (it is their business) AND is adopting 3 more unrelated kids with severe SN from Bulgaria.they're fundraising not only to cover the pre-adoption expenses but to cover post-adoption expenses like post-placement reports too!!  

    Once the 3 new SN kids are adopted, they'll essentially be moving to a low-ish quality group home in the US — there'll be only 2 caregivers (mom and dad) for a total of 16 kids and 8 developmentally disabled adults!!


    Yet another RR PAP's very probably illegal giveaway fundraiser:


    A PAP pining over a kid not legally available for adoption (tons of pics of said kid are plastered all over their blog to boot):

    Gotta love a PAP who uses her blog to solicit cash bday gifts to fund her adoption expenses:

  2. This RR PAP explains that the reason to adopt is because lots of lil kids die in orphanages, which us sad but true. However she inexplicably fails to mention the RR kiddos who die at the hands of their godly Christian aparents… Like this little boy who survived 18 months in a grim Russian orphanage, but only 1 month before being beaten to death by his "forever" mom in the US:

    This AP adopted an institutionalized little boy a few months back… despite not having health insurance for him. It's only now, MONTHS after arriving that he has short-term med insurance, ie just til it expires next year.

    Isn't there supposed to be a USCIS requirement that an internationally adopted kid has health insurance? I thought PAPs were required to demonstrate proof of insurance in order to obtain a visa to bring their newly adopted kid to the us?!?


  3. Gotta love PAPs who "chose" to adopt a child with down syndrome as a "reflection of our relationship with Christ", i.e. they feel Jesus saved them, thus they're off to save a kiddo to make themselves feel better. Yuck.

    This reminds us evermore why we chose to adopt a child with Down Syndrome and how adopting her reflects perfectly our relationship with Christ. Praise the Lord for her life and how it reminds us of our imperfectness.


  4. I'm confused as to what this blog is about. You say you want adoption reform, but all I read is HATRED towards anyone who adopts children with special needs. Is it just the special needs children you hate?

    Do you hate how they have a community that loves and supports them and fund raises for them? I don't see anything wrong (or illegal…I've read your claims of "illegal" postings and fundraisers and there is nothing illegal about them according to the law- Aren't you misleading your readers?)

    Regarding the fundraising. No body is forced or made to feel guilty for donating to fundraisers. Again, Your claims! I read your article and went to the PAP blogs, I don't have a problem NOT donating, so I don't see a problem. Again, I don't understand your wild claims, hatred, or side on this.

    I don't understand why you are targeting them. Maybe because you, yourself cannot understand unconditional love. I don't know. It's weird in my opinion that you only pick on the PAP's that are fundraising or adopting special needs kids, aren't there others adopting typical children too? YES! and those families are also fundraising, but you don't mention them. Hmm, makes me think your motive is not as your blog pins itself.

    You also only critize "Christians" for adopting. What about celebs who adopt multiple children from around the world? Is being rich the only thing that qualifies you to have adopted children? HMM, again, I think you have sad motives.

    I visited the blogs of PAP's that you have listed, I don't see them slamming you or your beliefs, which sort of makes you look like pathetic excuses of humanity. You attack them and they don't you. Wow! In my opinion,that makes them the bigger person.

    Finally, I find it interesting, that you ALL hide behind the "anonymous" labels and postings. You hide your faces and names b/c you are cowards. If you truly stand behind your convictions, as you claim you do. If you really believe that you are making a difference… Come forward! Show your faces and allow others to take you on head on. Exactly, you won't!

    I'm not afraid to post my name. Will you do the same? Will you come out of hiding in the darkness and step into the light?

    I found your site and now you have shared these PAP's blogs with me. I am thankful to you for showing me these adoption blogs and the amazing love these families have. I hadn't seen these or heard of these sites before, but I'm now hooked on RR.


    Emily Harris-Laws
    San Antonio, TEXAS.

  5. Anonymous, 1:25PM/Emily
    You say "I'm confused as to what this blog is about. You say you want adoption reform, but all I read is HATRED towards anyone who adopts children with special needs."
    If you are confused, you should actually read the blog and homepage and not just this post. I see that you claim that you have read it, but by your comments, it is clear that you haven't. We are adoptive parents. I am a Christian who is disgusted by anyone, including Christians, who act illegally, immorally or supposedly in the name of God while lying and promoting illegal and unethical adoption operations. We have a total of 12 posts labelled Christian Adoption of more than 1300.
    We don't speak about our children in blogs like the examples we give as it violates their privacy. You should not assume the needs of our children. You DO need to clue in to the fact that blogging details of the children's lives and sometimes the original family is violating their privacy.
    Pointing out what is wrong is not "hate." It is one of the favorite strawmen given by people who disagree with this blog.If you claim to be a Christian, then you know there is right and wrong.
    You say "Do you hate how they have a community that loves and supports them and fund raises for them?"
    I am for using wisdom and prudence in giving, so again I don't "hate",but we are here to educate the general public on what is going wrong with adoptions. Not being able to provide for basics is but one of those wrong things. Not being willing to save up money over time and demanding to adopt immediately even when you have no funds is not rooted in the Bible.It is selfish (not thinking ahead for the children that have great needs that cost money).
    You say "I don't see anything wrong (or illegal…I've read your claims"
    You have not read the posts if you don't see anything wrong. You can start with our PSA on photolistings post http://reformtalk.blogspot.com/2012/01/public-service-announcement-on.html There we discuss photolistings, gaming, advertising and impersonating social workers.We cite the law being broken in Ukraine by groups like RR in giving faux referrals. Ethiopia disallows fundraising for adoptions and PAPs have been banned from adopting when Ethiopian officials have found out. Just because some PAPs get away with it does not make it legal.So to answer your question NO we are not misleading our readers.Yes we have reported many people to authorities and No , state governments don't want to have anything to do with international adoptions. The federal government has been quoted in saying that they too want to be adoption advocates (see Guatemala US Embassy Cable post at http://reformtalk.blogspot.com/2012/04/first-impressions-of-us-embassy-cables.html ), so NO ONE is policing ANYTHING in the wild west of international adoption. Just because people get away with unethical and illegal things on a daily basis does not make it right and we will not be shutting up about it.

  6. Emily part 2:

    You say "Regarding the fundraising. No body is forced or made to feel guilty for donating to fundraisers. Again, Your claims! I read your article and went to the PAP blogs, I don't have a problem NOT donating, so I don't see a problem. Again, I don't understand your wild claims, hatred, or side on this."
    I don't recall saying that anyone was *forced* to donate to fundraisers-please point out where I said that.People can be swayed into feeling guilty as these blogs and advocating groups tend to be cult-like. People also are being swept up into donating to children that are supposedly aging out in China, yet that is somewhat of a farce as those children are still provided for after aging out in many cases.
    The Christian orphan movement is being coordinated by adoption agencies and it is quite powerful to have one's pastor have special sessions claiming that modern adoption is like adoption in the Bible and that everyone should be participating in some way.
    You say " Maybe because you, yourself cannot understand unconditional love." I love it when commenters come here to whine about hate & judging and then judge back. Talk about hypocritical!
    You say "It's weird in my opinion that you only pick on the PAP's that are fundraising or adopting special needs kids, aren't there others adopting typical children too? YES! and those families are also fundraising, but you don't mention them. Hmm, makes me think your motive is not as your blog pins itself. "
    Well you are mistaken. I would love to point out others who are fundraising. Send us some examples!Many of our examples are sent to us by others as we are busy covering 100s of stories each month.
    You say "You also only critize "Christians" for adopting. What about celebs who adopt multiple children from around the world? Is being rich the only thing that qualifies you to have adopted children? HMM, again, I think you have sad motives."
    We do not criticize anyone "for adopting" Again we are adoptive parents and I am a Christian myself. We highlight those engaging in illegal, immoral, unethical or dangerous practices in this type of post which is a small percentage of our 1300 posts. It is necessary to point this out to give a total picture of what is going on and to understand how the dots connect. We have never said that you have to be rich to adopt. We DO say often that a homestudy should be a real evaluation (including financial) of the ability of a PAP to parent instead of the rubberstamping that currently goes on. In order for that to happen, there FIRST needs to be standards established nationwide for homestudies (this does NOT exist).

  7. Emily part 3:

    A "pathetic excuse for humanity" Why you have violated my TOS yet I am big enough to allow you to say that to me. Again, I love it when my commenters show their own hypocrisy. By the way, many personal bloggers do not allow people to post negative comments about their blogs anyway.
    You say "Finally, I find it interesting, that you ALL hide Yehind the "anonymous" labels and postings. You hide your faces and names b/c you are cowards. If you truly stand behind your convictions, as you claim you do. If you really believe that you are making a difference… Come forward! Show your faces and allow others to take you on head on. Exactly, you won't!"
    Cowards! Again I am so big to allow you to post that. We are adoptive parents and we are protecting our children's identities and stories. What exactly do you want to take us head on about? Feel free to say so.We have 1300+ posts-plenty to take us on about…
    Some day maybe you will understand that the adoptee should control their own histories (if they are lucky enough to have it) and their own story.By the way, an adoption is not a success unless the adoptee says so when they are an adult. If APs only understood that!
    You say "I hadn't seen these or heard of these sites before, but I'm now hooked on RR."
    LOL Good luck with that.
    Glad you like ogling other children including those that you have no right to as their privacy has been violated. Creepy!

  8. Emily part 4, And I forgot to address your celebrity question. We do mention celebrities in our posts.Angelina Jolie has appeared multiple times in our facepalms and a whole post was done on her this month. http://reformtalk.blogspot.com/2012/04/opening-closed-international-adoption.html

    If you think that there are additional unethical stories going on, feel free to share them. We try to cover as many as we can.

  9. This is a  self-proclaimed "trauma mama" that offers her services as a "parent coach";

    A different "trauma mama" is selling "webinars" on therapeutic parenting:

    Neither trauma mama has any formal training or qualification to counsel — and, well, I think only QUALIFIED LICENSED counselors should professionally counsel people!!

    The trauma mama subtype of AP also seem to advocate strange things like:

    Cutting folks who do not agree with their fringe and unsupported by science "therapeutic parenting" theories out of the AP and adopted kids' lives – longtime friends and family!!


    Pulling an adopted kid out of school to homeschool if they finagle extra snacks from their kindergarten teacher OR out of church and public school to "protect" a 13 yr old from having to deal with a snotty middle school classmate. Heaven forbid an adopted child learn social skills or how to ignore a mean middle school classmate, when you can avoid having the kid interact with the world at large by homeschooling!!



    Prohibiting the adopted kids from participating in a Easter egg hunts bc the lil adopted darlings cannot possibly handle it. Much better to keep adopted kids at home under what amounts to house arrest:

    And of course there's the trauma mama that charmingly discloses private details of her a/kid's abuse AND an "interview" with her "changed RAD child", who frankly sounds brainwashed:

  10. This PAP had a faux referral for a Ukrainian adult (16 yr old man), who ultimately did NOT want to be adopted… And are now attempting to adopt a 7 yr old girl from Ukraine. Despite not having the $26k   to do so and aren't in a position to borrow the $$. Unwilling to do the responsible thing and save up to adopt either!!!

     "With both boys adoptions all our resources are tapped out, all stocks are drained, all retirement is gone and our rentals for retirement being unrented in order to keep them have drained us over the last 2 

    " But there ain't nothing left to pull from to bail us out……All our tax refunds went to clear the debt/loans.  Again we planned on staying in the US so this was nothing to factor nor a big deal until I found "her".  So my heart and mind are in pieces.  "

    The PAP also horribly disrespectfully plasters private medical info about their faux referral all over tge web.

    This us yet another case of who in earth appvd this?? Family sooo doesn't meet USCIS requirement to be in a position to financially care for another kid!!


  11. @Anon 9:31 – I've heard of an adoption agency that has parents who've previously adopted do 'volunteer' work for them sorting through initial applications and calling PAPs back – identifying not as APs but as "case workers" despite not actually being case workers of any sort, they're stay at home moms with no formal social work training.

  12. @Anon 10:49 AM – Oh my. That's awful. Untrained folks with no formal adoption experience/tranining advising newbies. Sounds like a recipe for DISASTER!!

    And the fundraising. Always teh fundingraising!!

    PAPs who fundraise 100% of their adoption expense somehow seem to “underestimate” their costs and end up being abroad, in the midst of an adoption and needing to “emergency” fundraise (!!) to complete the adoption (!!!). This Reece’s Rainbow PAP raised $16K to adopt 1 SN kid… spontaneously decided that while they’re in Ukraine they may as well adopt Kid #2, who has SN and is unrelated to Kid #1) because “God told [them] to adopt Joey [Kid#2] and will provide” the extra $9K they need.

    The RR PAP raised $16K to adopt severe SN Kid #1 but while they were in Ukraine spontaneously decided that “it is FAR less expensive to add a second child to one trip rather then [sic] coming home and doing it all over again” (!!). Kid #2 also has SN and is UNRELATED to the other kid they’re adopting (!). Love how the PAPs do not want to make sure the first kid settles into their family before getting a second one and how they disregard the fact that adopting UNRELATED kids simultaneously dramatically increases the odds the adoption will FAIL.

    Soooo irresponsible! Soooo unfair to the kids being adopted!!!!!


  13. Yet another illegal RR fundraiser — this time it's a kindle giveaway!!


  14. I saw this blog mentioned here- andthisonematters- so I viewed it- now I am totally confused. Are they advocating and fundraising for a very beautiful girl from the Ukraine, in anticipation that their efforts to raise money for her adoption will be so effective that it will be considered (by them) as a message from God that they should in fact BE the APs?

  15. On the webelieveyoubelong blog, some one referred to this reformtalk blog (in the comments) in a misleading manner

  16. Anonymous May 3 5:51: That is a good question. I can't say what they are thinking but your suggestion sounds logical.

    Anonymous 5:57PM, Thanks for sharing. I think that blog was shared by a commenter. Freedom of speech reigns.We don't have any expectations of the blogs that get mentioned here. No expectations whatsoever, but it is sweet that you care about us 🙂

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