Happy Halloween!

By on 10-31-2013 in Uncategorized

Happy Halloween!

Well, we haven’t  been able to get this blog in quite a while! But, I am well and recovering !

Thank you, we REALLY appreciate of  kind comments!

Thank you, Crabbina and Reformatina for carrying extra load in my absence!

Halloween Costume


  1. Glad to hear you’re feeling better Rally!!

    Ps for next Facepalm Friday:

    Shannon wants to facilitate adoptions for NOT YET ORPHANS in Liberia:

    “Anyway, this gentleman, whom some of you have gotten friend requests from…I promise he is harmless. He is one of the few friends we have made over there who has not asked us for money. He was inquiring about Hope Blooms. I told him what we are doing, and that we hope to facilitate adoptions from Liberia in the coming new year. He said he knows of many people that want to place babies for adoption. It is common for the dad’s to leave mom’s. There was one gal pregnant when we were there, I am guessing she is one of them that he mentioned. But many people were raped during the war and cannot or are having a hard time caring for the children they now have. We have a full orphanage…but no orphanage.”

    Apparently trying to adopt a not-available-for-adoption Liberian kiddo just isn’t enough!!


  2. Yay! You’re back! *does Happy Dance*

    And a very Happy– and hopefully Healthy– Halloween to you, too!

  3. So glad to have you back! I’m thrilled to hear you’re doing better.

  4. Good to have you back!

  5. Yay! I’m glad you’re feeling better!

    Also, for a face Palm Friday or a blog gag me, this woman is adopting from Congo:

    • Name,

      According to the story, Dorian Harper and Wanda Larson had legal guardianship of the handcuffed boy, but he was NOT placed in their care by local CPS. So… another adoption disruption in progress?

      Please note the common memes of “keeping large dogs” and “discipline by hypothermia”. Also, Larson was previously honored for “helping victims of child maltreatment”.

      I’m waiting for a copy of ‘To Train Up a Child’ to be found in the house.

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