Stop Giving Child Traffickers a Pass

By on 5-01-2012 in Reformatina's Hope, Trafficking

Stop Giving Child Traffickers a Pass
I am more than a little annoyed today after reading a number of posts I won’t link to here, but it is absolutely disgusting how some in the adoption community give agencies and child traffickers a pass on their activities as if they have no free will to behave better. Seriously?
The logic I see people trying to use is this:
Agencies and traffickers are merely meeting demand. If there was no demand and no money they wouldn’t snatch, recruit or coerce children away from their families. If there was no money involved, agencies wouldn’t behave badly.
Now, don’t misunderstand…I have real issues with the PAPs role in some of this and the outrageous amounts of money involved, but to say without a demand the above parties would not be engaged in unethical and criminal activity is hooey! These are not desperate, vulnerable people (those are who they prey on).
Are we really to think that Agency X has no choice but to engage in criminal activity because the money is available to them? Is there no other occupation these people can work in? Do they have no ability to work honestly and ethically?
Would you say what illegal drug dealers do is ok because addicts are willing to pay for the harmful/illegal things they supply? Of course not.
So why does the adoption community believe agencies have no choice, but to obtain and sell children? And if agency workers and their employees really cannot restrain themselves from stealing, recruiting and trafficking children shouldn’t they be in a prison, psychiatric ward or working in an environment where they don’t have the power to hurt people?!
To the greater adoption community: STOP giving child traffickers and their employers a pass.
REFORM Puzzle Piece

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