How Could You? Hall of Shame-Edward, Elizabeth, Edward John, Andrew and Brianna Holmes

By on 12-07-2021 in Abuse in foster care, Andrew and Brianna Holmes, Edward and Elizabeth Holmes, Edward John Holmes, Food Abuse, Georgia, How could you? Hall of Shame, Kinship Care

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Edward, Elizabeth, Edward John, Andrew and Brianna Holmes

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Carrollton, Georgia, kinship foster parents, Edward and Elizabeth Holmes and their adult children, Edward John Holmes, 24, Andrew Dale Holmes, 23, and Brianna Kala Holmes, 21, are being charged “in connection to a child abuse investigation involving a foster child.

According to arrest reports, the investigation began in June after the young girl was reported as a runaway from the home.

A Carroll County sheriff’s deputy was on his way to the home on …when Carrollton police officers reported being with the child, whose age has not been disclosed.

The couple living in the home, Edward and Elizabeth Holmes, reported that the girl had run away several times, but they typically found her in the area and did not report the incidents to law enforcement.

The deputy noted that before they reported the child missing, he saw the couple drive past his car. Edward Holmes stated he noticed the deputy, but did not stop for help.

The couple stated the foster child was being punished by being forced to stand in corner for hitting an animal when she ran away. They advised she had previously tried to kill a cat and feed live birds to a dog.

While at the home, Edward Holmes asked the deputy to come inside and confirm the house was in good living conditions. The deputy noticed the house was messy and had several animals inside.

Edwards Holmes explained the lack the things in the child’s bedroom as her having recently been grounded and having belongings taken from her as punishment.

As the deputy left, he told Elizabeth Holmes that she should respond to the Carrollton Police Department.

Both Edward, 43, and Elizabeth Holmes, 42, were arrested less than a week later. Arrested alongside them were Edward John Holmes, 24, Andrew Dale Holmes, 23, and Brianna Kala Holmes, 21. There charges include:

Elizabeth Amelia Holmes – charged with five counts of cruelty to children, one count of false imprisonment and one count of tampering with evidence

Edward Dale Holmes – charged with four counts of cruelty to children, one count of false imprisonment and one count of tampering with evidence

Edward John Holmes – charged with three counts of cruelty to children, one count of false imprisonment and one count of tampering with evidence

Andrew Dale Holmes – charged with three counts of cruelty to children, one count of false imprisonment and one count of tampering with evidence

Brianna Kala Holmes – charged with three counts of cruelty to children, one count of false imprisonment and one count of tampering with evidence

The arrest report states most of the child’s injuries were superficial, but the sheriff’s office have not released details on how she received those injuries.”

5 family members charged with abusing foster child in Carroll County
[WSB Radio 8/16/21]

“The children are 12, 13, and 15 years old. One of the kids ran away from the home to report the abuse.”

“The kids were in foster care with their uncle, his wife, and their three adult children, who live at the home in Carrollton. She said what they allegedly went through is horrific.

“They weren’t able to eat. The victim who ran away that day said she had to eat out of the dog bowls because she was withheld food. They were locked in their rooms for period of time,” she said.

Arrest warrants allege the children were under constant video surveillance in the home. They were allegedly not allowed to shower or bathe for weeks on end and were routinely denied food and water. 

“There was one video when the male child was in his bedroom, the only thing that’s in there is a bucket for him to go to the bathroom in. Where he was locked in the bedroom without blankets, cover, anything,” she said.

One of the children told investigators he was forced to drink from that bucket because he was denied water for so long. When police started interviewing the family about what had happened, the warrants claim they admitted to disciplining the children.

“They didn’t deny that they did these things. We did make them run around the yard with heavy backpacks,” she said.

Allegations in the warrants say the children were made to run around the yard with heavy backpacks full of bricks and rocks. They had to stand with the arms straight over their head for an hour holding the packs. 

The punishments allegedly went on for months before the five family members were arrested and the children removed.

“They are within custody with the state, they are separated, and that’s heartbreaking that these kids are separated,” she said.

Hulsey said she doesn’t know what will happen with the court case, but she has hope for the children’s future.

“I am just hoping and praying that they can make it through this and they can find a loving home to show them what a real loving family is who will take care of them,” she said.

All five family members are now out on bond.”

Police learn of alleged abuse after child runs away from foster home

[11 Alive 8/29/21 by Kaitlyn Ross]

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