US International Adoption Statistics FY 2020

By on 7-11-2022 in Adoption Statistics, International Adoptions, USDOS

US International Adoption Statistics FY 2020

The 2020 statistics can be found here.

These were released in July 2021. The decrease to 1,622 adoptions in Fiscal Year 2020 was due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that had a drastic effect on intercountry adoptions, as health-related restrictions on travel and government operations that made the intercountry adoption process difficult if not impossible. Fiscal Year 2019 had 2677 adoptions. Fiscal year 2018 had 4,059 .


“In FY 2020, adoption service providers (ASPs) reported ten disrupted placements in Convention adoptions, i.e., cases in which there was an interruption of a placement for adoption during the post-placement (but pre-adoption) period.”

In addition, information received from the Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to §422(b)(12) of the Social Security Act indicated 18 Children “Adopted through the Intercountry Process Who Entered Foster Care in FY2020, with 35 states not reporting any data!!!!!!!!!


Florida, Maine, Arizona, Arkansas, Nevada, South Carolina, Washington, New Jersey, Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana contributed to 42 outgoing placements to Austria, Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, Netherlandsand Switzerland.

Country of Origin

Ukraine   211

China      202

South Korea 188

Colombia 137

India 103

Other Notable Countries 

Bulgaria 99

Haiti 96

Nigeria 83

Taiwan 42

Philippines 39

Jamaica 30

44.2% of cases did NOT follow Hague. 55.8% cases DID follow Hague. Pathetic!

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