How Could You? Hall of Shame-Texas Foster Home

By on 2-22-2014 in Abuse in foster care, Arrow Child abd Family Ministries, How could you? Hall of Shame, Texas

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Texas Foster Home

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Austin, Texas, “twin infants were removed from their Austin foster home last week after the six-week-old babies were found to have broken bones and bruises.”

The foster care agency that oversees the home, Arrow Child and Family Ministries, has halted admissions to its Austin-area program until officials figure out exactly what happened, said Arrow CEO Scott Lundy. It is unclear whether the babies were in the foster home when they were injured. The agency is conducting an internal investigation, he said.

“You have 6-week-old babies that are hurt,” he said. “That’s a big incident. We want to make sure there wasn’t something that got overlooked.”

The twins arrived at an Arrow foster home several weeks ago and were being cared for by an experienced family with no history of problems, Lundy said. Then on Feb. 11, the children were on a visit with Child Protective Services when someone noticed one of the babies wheezing, Lundy said. The infants were taken to the hospital, where both were diagnosed with broken bones and bruises.

Authorities are also investigating.

Child Protective Services spokesman Patrick Crimmins said the babies were briefly hospitalized and are expected to recover fully. They are no longer under Arrow’s care and are living with foster parents overseen by another child placing agency, he said.

Arrow is a child placing agency with 12 locations in Texas and serves about 60 foster children in the Austin area on any given day, Lundy said. The organization also has offices in Pennsylvania, California and Maryland.”

Infants with broken bones, bruises removed from Austin foster home[ 2/20/14 By Andrea Ball]

“The infants were hospitalized briefly and have been placed in a new home with a different foster family overseen by a different agency, Department of Family and Protective Services spokesperson Julie Moody said.

The babies are expected to recover from their injuries.

The foster parents under investigation have been fostering kids for about five years and have no history of problems, Lundy said. “They have been a fantastic family.”

He did not know if the infants had a medical check up before being placed in the home.”

CPS: Infants in foster care had bruises, broken bones[KXAN 2/21/14 by Erin Cargile]

REFORM Puzzle Piece



  1. One simple google search. Arrow is the agency who took over for Jerry Sandusky’s foster care agency.

  2. Texas is one of the few states where private agency investigations by the state are published. Eventually, maybe the truth will surface. Or at least as much of the truth Texas CPS decides to include in the report.

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