How Could You? Hall of Shame-Kenneth Edwards

By on 2-28-2014 in Abuse in foster care, Kenneth Edwards, Massachusetts

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Kenneth Edwards

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Dorchester, Massachusetts, Kenneth Edwards,46, an “unlicensed DCF-approved therapist — who already served time for kicking his pregnant wife — faces up to 10 years behind bars today for sexually assaulting a “vulnerable” 13-year-old boy whose appeal for help was first brushed off by child welfare officials.”

“Kenneth Edwards, 46, of Dorchester is set to be sentenced this morning in Suffolk Superior Court for indecent assault and battery on a child under 14.

The Department of Children and Families referred the teen — who is currently in foster care — to Edwards through Pyramid Builders Associates, said Jake Wark, a spokesman for the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office.

Pyramid Builders is a nonprofit and also a DCF contractor.

DCF’s own investigator initially did not support the boy’s abuse claims and a second agency investigator only determined the teen had been abused after Suffolk County prosecutors arraigned Edwards in 2011, months after officials at the boy’s Boston school called police, according to Wark and court records.

The sentencing comes as DCF Commissioner Olga Roche is under fire for a series of Herald reports on abuse of foster kids, unlicensed social workers and convicts living in foster homes.

Edwards reportedly told the teen no one would believe his story due to the boy’s history of behavior problems, prosecutors said in Superior Court filings.

“This defendant exploited a position of trust to abuse a vulnerable child,” said Suffolk District Attorney Daniel F. Conley. “The victim was targeted when he was a boy in crisis. He was probably afraid that no one would believe him. I hope this outcome is some reassurance that we believed him, we fought for him, and we’ll never turn our backs on him. Other children are safer today because of his courage.”

The boy reported the sexual assaults took place in Edwards’ car and home on multiple occasions in July and August 2010, court records state. Prosecutors said Edwards volunteered to have the boy sleep over at his house after a field trip to Six Flags amusement park.

“In the weeks and days leading up to the field trip, the defendant told the victim in graphic detail exactly what he would do to the victim during their sleepover. The victim became fearful … and purposely got himself grounded” to avoid the sleepover, prosecutors said in filings.

In 2000, Edwards was sentenced to two months in prison after kicking his eight-months pregnant wife in the crotch while wearing construction boots, court records show. Edwards’ rap sheet also includes a 1999 charge for using a motor vehicle without authority and a 1990 firearm charge.

State records show Edwards does not have a license to work as a therapist, social worker or psychologist.

“You don’t have to have a license to work for a clinic. You can work for a clinic and work under that clinic’s license,” said Omar Reid, clinical director of Pyramid Builders Associates, when reached by phone last night.

“That’s all I can say,” said Reid before hanging up.

Reid, who reported in tax documents that he earned more than $590,000 consulting for the clinic in fiscal 2012, did not return a subsequent message seeking comment about employee background checks.

Pyramid Builders Associates took in nearly $206,000 from DCF last fiscal year, but the nonprofit also boasts on its website about receiving referrals from the courts, public schools, DCF and Boston Police.

DCF officials said yesterday contractors and referral agencies are responsible for their own licensing and criminal background checks. The agency said the teen wasn’t in state custody at the time of the assault.”

Unlicensed DCF-approved therapist faces teen sex assault sentence[The Boston Herald 2/26/14 by Erin Smith, Laurel J. Sweet]

“The now 17-year-old victim was at Edwards’ sentencing and read an impact statement to the courtroom.

“When everything was happening I was trying to make sense of it all because I trusted a caregiver and thought he would be helping me,” the victim said. “Instead, he was doing unspeakable things to me. I find it ironic that a person who claims to be helping kids was actually destroying their lives.”

Edwards, who served jail time for kicking his pregnant wife, was convicted of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14.

“Aggravated because the defendant was a mandated reporter in a position of trust and authority,” said Assistant District Attorney Ellen Lemire.

Edwards denied the charges.

“I’m not an abuser. I’m not somebody who’s looking out to molest children,” Edwards told the judge. “I was trying to help . I got caught way over my head with a case I was unprepared to work for.”

Edwards’ attorney asked the judge for probation and described him as an exceptional man – a father, role model and church-goer.

The judge sentenced Edwards to the 10-year minimum mandatory sentence.

There were some shouts of outrage after the sentence was handed down, which the victim hoped would be at least 25 years in jail.

“This man is a cruel and abusive man who needs to be kept from other children so they will never have to experience the torture he perpetuated on me,” the victim told the judge.

A Department of Children and Families spokeswoman said the boy was not in DCF custody at the time.[So that makes it A-ok,huh?You recommended this therapist!!]

DCF said the agencies it works with are responsible for checking credentials and backgrounds of its workers.”

Dorchester man gets jail time for sexually assaulting boy[WCVB 2/26/14 by Kelly Tuthill]

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