China: Four Online Trafficking Rings-382 Infants Rescued

By on 2-28-2014 in China, Trafficking

China: Four Online Trafficking Rings-382 Infants Rescued

“Chinese police have detained 1,094 people and rescued 382 infants in a nationwide crackdown on four online baby-trafficking rings.

Criminals prey on citizens who live under strict controls on the number of children a family can have. These have bolstered a traditional bias for sons, seen as the support of elderly parents and heirs to the family name, and led to the abortion, killing or abandonment of girls.

About 118 boys are born for every 100 girls in the world’s most populous country, against a global average of 103-107 boys per 100 girls. The imbalance has created criminal demand for kidnapped or bought baby boys, as well as baby girls destined to be brides attracting rich dowries in sparsely populated regions.

The state news agency Xinhua quoted police as saying: “Child traffickers have now taken the fight online, using ‘unofficial adoption’ as a front. They are well-hidden and very deceptive.”

The traffickers used websites with names such as China’s Orphan Network and Dream Adoption Home, highlighting a trend towards online deals that make it harder to hunt down the criminals, Xinhua added. But it did not say what steps authorities were taking to reunite the rescued babies with their parents.

In a separate article, Xinhua warned parents to guard against kidnappers who could pose as nurses in hospitals or lie in wait outside school gates to bundle unsuspecting children into vans or speed off with them on motorbikes.

Last month, a Chinese court handed down a suspended death sentence for a doctor who sold seven newborns to human traffickers in a case that sparked public anger.

Zhang Shuxia, 55, an obstetrician in north-west Shaanxi province, was found guilty of selling the babies for as much as 21,600 yuan (£2,160) each between 2011 and 2013, the court said.

China, which has a population of about 1.4 billion, said last year it would ease family restrictions, letting millions of families have two children, in the country’s most significant liberalisation of its one-child policy in about three decades.”

Hundreds of babies rescued as Chinese police smash four child-trafficking rings[The Guardian 2/28/14 By Reuters]

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