Adoptee Meets Mom

By on 3-10-2014 in Adoptee Search, Adoptee Stories, Birthfamily Search, Reunion, Wisconsin

Adoptee Meets Mom

” It’s been 42 years since his birth mother gave him up for adoption. Now, he’ll meet her face to face.

Glen Denlinger and his wife were a bundle of nerves as they waited for his mother to deplane.  They only had one day together – before he was adopted.

“My heart is just so happy!” exclaims his birth mother, Barbara Osterman. “I’ve had some unhappiness in my life. And it’s just opened it up and healed all wounds that I ever had.”


Osterman, Glen, and his wife Kelly could barely hold back tears of joy. His first search for her, 15 years ago, was unsuccessful.


“I found out the laws had changed and I couldn’t actually get those records unless it was for a medical reason,” explains Denlinger.


Glen was disappointed, but didn’t give up. He called a state agency for help. Last October, he and his mother spoke on the phone for the first time, and talked for hours.


“It wasn’t that I didn’t want him!” says Osterman. “We were just farmers and I was the oldest of 10.”


She was an 18 year old single mother. Now, the next mission is to try to find Glen’s birth father.


“When I gave him up for adoption, I wanted him to go to a good home and to be loved and taken care of, because I was so young and unsettled in my life,” recalls Osterman.


For now, his mother never wants to leave his side again. She wants to move from Texas to Wisconsin, to be closer to him.


“I’m just overwhelmed. I’m just so happy. The tears have been coming for days. I just can’t believe that he did find me!” laughs Osterman.


This weekend Glen will travel to Green Bay with his mom and wife to meet the family he’s never met.”

Adopted man, birth mother meet for first time in 42 years
[620wtmj 1/14/14 by Yona Gavino]

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