Opinion:Adopt US Kids Before Looking Abroad

By on 3-10-2014 in Opinion

Opinion:Adopt US Kids Before Looking Abroad

Occasionally, we will link to media opinions on aspects of adoption and child welfare that you may never have thought about. This opinion piece discusses adopting US kids before looking Internationally.

“On Feb. 9, The Spectrum ran an article telling how a year-old Russian ban on adoptions by Americans was thwarting this couple’s efforts to adopt a sibling of the Russian child they had adopted in 2008. While I can sympathize with their problem, I have to ask why?Children of all ages are available right here in the United States, so why adopt abroad?

There are babies, toddlers, school-age children, even teens, who would love to have a permanent home. [Actually most are teens. ]Many adoptable American children are presently in foster care, which is a major expense to the state. Adoption eliminates this expense and gets them off the welfare rolls as well as fulfills their lives and brings happiness to both the parents and the child.

International adoption has been in the media spotlight in recent years as Hollywood, entertainment and other high-profile personalities have adopted from foreign countries. Some adoptive parents mistakenly feel it is easier, faster and less expensive to adopt internationally, but the truth is the costs are about the same — anywhere from $15,000 to $50,000.

Any adoption is a big step and should not be taken without a great deal of consideration and soul searching on the part of the prospective parents. Due diligence must be used to ensure the legality of the adoption for the sake of both the parents and the child.

One of the first steps is to select a reputable adoption agency. [LOL] Licensed domestic adoption agencies are more apt to thoroughly research the suitability of the prospective parent and their home situation as well as the social and medical histories of the adoptable child. [This is why people adopt abroad.] These histories are more readily available in the United States than in foreign countries. It is important that parent and child be suited for each other. Contact the state licensing specialist in the state where the agency is located. It can tell you if the agency is in good standing, if there have been any complaints and how long the agency has had the license. A listing of each state’s licensing specialist is available on the National Adoption Directory online. In Utah, contact Utah Department of Human Services, Marty Shannon, state adoption specialist manager, at 801-538-4100 or at mshannon@utah.gov.

The United States allows an adoption credit for taxpayers of up to $12,970. To qualify for the credit, the IRS requires receipts for qualified expenses, which include adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees, travel expenses and re-adoption expenses to adopt a foreign child. Adoption of a special-needs child may qualify for the credit even if there are not qualified expenses. The credit is not applicable if a taxpayer adopts his spouse’s child.

Domestic vs. international? It is my opinion that international adoptions should be severely curtailed or even eliminated as long as there are children in the United States who want and need a loving home and family to call their own.”

Adopt U.S. kids before looking abroad[The Spectrum 3/6/14 By Donnette Hatch]

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