California CPS Goes After Father Who Recorded Them After His Daughter Was Wrongfully Taken Away

By on 3-27-2014 in Abuse in foster care, California, CPS Incompetence, How could you? Hall of Shame

California CPS Goes After Father Who Recorded Them After His Daughter Was Wrongfully Taken Away

“37-year-old Scott Rolick is fighting back against California Child Protective Services after he says they wrongly took his daughter away, placed her in a lice-infested, abusive, and unsafe foster home, and made up lies in their reports to make it more difficult for him to get her back.

The situation began when the father of Rolick’s wife Sara was busted for selling drugs miles away from the home. Sara’s father had been living with the couple and their young daughter, so when police searched the home and found a small amount of drugs that the 70-year-old had kept there, they immediately investigated to see if Scott and Sara were involved. Both were given drugs tests, which they passed, and were found to be completely innocent, but CPS still took their daughter Stevie out of the home and placed her with a foster family. Sara’s father no longer lives with them, and despite being cleared of any wrongdoing on the couple’s part, CPS refuses to place Stevie back with her parents.

According to reports, CPS documents claim that Scott and Sara were arrested and found to have been using drugs, but in reality, those allegations are false. CPS told Rolick that in order to help his own case and get his daughter back, he has to take parenting classes and attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Understandably, Rolick has refused this, so CPS will still not give Stevie back to her parents.

Scott decided to take matters into his own hands, and began filming interactions with CPS workers. The first video, posted below, is a recording of a CPS worker, and the second is a recording of CPS supervisor Carmin Franko reprimanding Rolick for recording a CPS worker in the first place. Franko claims that it is illegal to record a government agent, and now, CPS is going after the father.

As punishment for recording the worker, CPS is relinquishing visitation rights from Rolick, saying that he can only see his daughter if it is supervised.

Despite backlash from CPS and more troubles that lie ahead, Rolick says that he’ll continue to fight the agency because it’s the right thing to do.

“I’ll go to jail for this because it needs to be exposed,” said Rolick.

It doesn’t appear that CPS has made a statement regarding this case, and as of the latest update, Stevie is still living in the abusive foster home.”
California CPS Goes After Father Who Recorded Them After His Daughter Was Wrongfully Taken Away[Opposing Views 3/25/14 By Dominic Kelly]

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