Russia and Spain Work on Cooperation Treaty on Adoption Updated

By on 6-16-2014 in International Adoption, Russia, Spain

Russia and Spain Work on Cooperation Treaty on Adoption Updated

“Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has approved a relevant draft agreement submitted by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and it accorded with the Russian Foreign Ministry and other agencies, Interfax reports.

The Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Education and Science have been ordered to hold talks with Spain and to sign the named treaty upon reaching agreements, the governmental resolution posted on the official portal of legal information on Wednesday.

The draft treaty stipulates that the parties take into account the fact that “international adoption can give a child advantages related to having a permanent family, if it is impossible to find a suitable family for him their state of origin.”

The parties are obliged to take every measure to prevent and stop illegal activities in regard to adopted children, “including those related to having financial and other benefits from adoption, kidnapping, child trafficking, child slavery, sexual assault of children and sexual exploitation of children,” the document said.”

Russia, Spain work on cooperation treaty on adoption
[Voice of Russia 6/11/14]

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Update: “The State Duma has ratified a Russian-Spanish agreement on cooperation in the adoption of Russian children.

The document was signed in Madrid in July 2014.

The agreement creates a legal framework for Russian-Spanish cooperation on child adoption. It spells out principles of child adoption in the other country, requirements for foster parents, control over living conditions and upbringing of the adopted child, and other aspects.

“The main purpose of the agreement is to protect the interests of the children given up for international adoption. The agreement is based on the principles and provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child of November 20, 1989, and the Convention of May 29, 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption,” according to a memo to the bill ratifying the agreement.

Currently, Russia has similar agreements with Italy and France.

According to the Ministry of Science and Education, Spanish citizens have adopted 7,517 Russian children in the past nine years, including 303 in 2013.”


Russia ratifies child adoption agreement with Spain
[Russia Beyond The Headlines 2/20/15 by Interfax]

One Comment

  1. I wonder if the ” financial and other benefits from adoption” refer to crowdfunding, state and federal Adoption Tax Credits, and gifts showered on the saintly APs after adoption? For example, family vacations at Disney World funded by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, based on the APs’ claim this is their nonverbal adoptee’s “wish”. Or new vans for megafamilies, donated by PR hungry car dealerships.

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