Wednesday Weirdness

By on 7-23-2014 in Romania, Wednesday Weirdness

Wednesday Weirdness

Welcome to Wednesday Weirdness, a recurring theme where we post something truly weird and wacky in adoption or child welfare.

From Romanian socialite secretly hands her adopted boy back to orphanage after ‘his cries kept her awake on first night’[Daily Mail 7/16/14],

“A Romanian society girl who announced in a blaze of publicity that she was adopting a boy from an orphanage has secretly returned him after just one day.

Monica Columbeanu, 26, whose friends include Paris Hilton, vowed to give three-year-old Alex Gabriel a life ‘in which he would want nothing’.

But she took him back after spending just one night at her mansion reportedly because his crying kept her awake.

Stefan Cristofor, a businessman from Bucharest who runs a charity helping orphans with his daughter Mihaela, confirmed they had arranged the meeting between Monica and Alex.

Mihaela said: ‘Monica wanted to spend a weekend with the boy that she wanted to adopt. But the child could not adapt.

In the evening, when she put him to bed, he began to cry and could not sleep. The next day she took him back to the orphanage.

‘The question of adoption was simply stopped at that point because quite simply she didn’t want him any more

Monica has been in the public spotlight since she was 18 when she married multi-millionaire businessman Irinel Columbeanu, then aged 56.

To rebuff claims she had only married him for his money, Monica started a PR tour that included a visit to the Jiu Placement Center for Orphans in Bucharest.

There she met three-year-old Alex and announced it was wrong for children to be kept in institutions – and set about the process of adopting him.

She told the media: ‘I’ll make sure he won’t lack anything and by that I mean primarily parental love.’

As a result, Alex was whisked away to enjoy a weekend in the luxurious Izvorani family mansion.

But after he reportedly failed to sleep at night in his new bed and kept his new mother awake, he was quietly taken back to the orphanage and the adoption process was dropped.

Alex is now currently preparing for his first year at school.

Since splitting with her former husband, Monica has become one of the hottest society girls in Romania and she still has a taste for wealthy lovers.

Her current boyfriend, according to Romanian media, has given her a £90,000 car and she has been seen partying with Paris Hilton.”

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