Mississippi judge bars couple from grandsons UPDATED

By on 8-11-2014 in Children's Rights, Frank and Martha Hartley, Grandparents Rights, Mississippi, Ohio

Mississippi judge bars couple from grandsons UPDATED

“A Lincoln County judge has thwarted an Ohio couple’s efforts to gain custody of their grandchildren who are in foster care, even as Mississippi has failed to fully comply with a federal lawsuit settlement stemming from its handling of children in state custody.

Frank and Martha Hartley Sr. of Barberton, Ohio, have been certified as fit to care for their two grandsons, ages 6 and 7 (soon to be 8). But Chancery Judge Edward Patten is moving forward with allowing a foster couple to adopt the boys.

“Our grandsons have been denied their right to live with family,” the Hartleys said in a letter they filed in the federal court case. “They have been denied their right to permanency and we have been denied our right of placement and custody. We are being denied our family.”

Martha Hartley is 48, and her husband is 47.

In February, Summit County Children’s Services in Akron, Ohio, completed a relative/foster home study on the Hartleys at the request of the Mississippi Department of Human Services’ Jackson County office and recommended the family for placement of the children. But Summit County Children Services said it could only make a recommendation and that the state of Mississippi would make the final placement decision.

On July 24, Summit County Children Services sent the Hartleys a letter that it had received paperwork from the state of Mississippi that terminates the family’s case. The agency that deals with child placement says that since Mississippi terminated the home study, the case with Summit County Children Services is now closed.

“The boys recognize us as family and they are everything to us,” the Hartleys said in their letter. “Imagine our heartbreak when on May 2, 2014, … a supervisor at the Department of Human Services of Mississippi, Jackson County, told us that we were not allowed to have any more contact with them because the Chancery Court of Lincoln County ordered it. She gave no details. No reasons, we couldn’t see our grandchildren. No opportunity to say goodbye.”

Martha Hartley said the boys had been in foster care for more than four years and were in seven different placements despite having family willing and able to accept them.

According to court records, the children were removed from their mother’s custody in August 2009 because of allegations of neglect and abuse. The children’s father, Frank Hartley Jr., was incarcerated in Florida at the time the case began for committing lewd and lascivious acts on a 14-year-old girl. His parents said he was 20 at the time and the crime occurred prior to him becoming a parent. He was an airman stationed at Elgin Air Force base when he was arrested in August 2006.

After the children were removed from their mother in 2009, the grandparents said they immediately called DHS, asking to be granted placement and/or custody, but the Jackson County Youth Court denied them contact with the boys.

The boys were placed with a foster couple in Lincoln County because of a shortage of foster homes in Jackson County. The Lincoln County couple later filed an adoption petition.

The Hartleys said they were informed June 2 that Patten had relieved DHS of custody of the boys and wasn’t considering placing the boys with birth relatives.

DHS policy says family placements are given priority over nonrelated settings.

The Jackson County Department of Human Services wouldn’t comment.

DHS spokeswoman Julia Bryan said, while the department has written policy, placement decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

Retired California Judge Leonard Edwards, who is working as a consultant, educator, and trainer, said he doesn’t know the facts of the case so it is difficult to make a case-specific comment. However, the law is clear that relatives are preferred placements per the Fostering Connections Act of 2008, he said.

Edwards served as a Superior Court Judge in Santa Clara County for 26 years and then for six years as judge-in-residence at the Center for Families, Children & the Courts, a division of the California Administrative Office of the Courts. As a judge he worked in the juvenile court for more than 20 years.

He said passage of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 declared a preference for placement with relatives. It mandated that relatives receive notice of child protection proceedings, gave them a voice in those proceedings and identified best practices for locating extended family members.

Edwards said research has shown that children in relative care tend to be just as safe as or safer than children placed in foster care. Relative placements provide more stability than placement with foster families, and if the children have to move, it is likely they will move from the home of one relative to another.

Also, siblings more often remain together in relative care and are more likely to visit one another even if they reside in separate relative homes.

In a letter the Ohio paternal grandparents wrote to the federal court in Mississippi, they said they have made every effort to gain custody of their grandchildren. The letter has been made a part of the record of the long-running federal case involving the care of children in state custody.

In 2004, the nonprofit Children’s Rights advocacy group filed a class action lawsuit, Olivia Y. v. Barbour, against then-Gov. Haley Barbour and DHS. The litigation exposed the agency’s failure to protect and care for children in the system. The complaints included that DHS was failing to investigate reports of mistreatment of children, opening cases and providing services in less than half the instances in which it confirmed abuse or neglect, burdening social workers with excessive caseloads and not providing training for caseworkers.

The state entered into a settlement agreement in 2008, agreeing to make widespread reforms. Last year, DHS signed a new agreement to speed up reform, but there are still complaints about the state not reaching benchmarks. A new settlement agreement is in the works.

“We wish to formally express our concerns with regards to the handling of the case involving our grandchildren,” the Hartleys said in the letter filed July 21, which a federal judge has placed under seal because he said it has identifying information about the children in foster care.

The attorney appointed to represent the children’s interests, Mark Randall Holmes of McComb, said the adoption case was private and he couldn’t discuss it.

Holmes, who wanted to know if the Hartleys contacted The Clarion-Ledger, said the grandparents aren’t parties to the adoption.

John and Lenita Watts of Lincoln County were foster parents to the children from December 2009 to October 2011.

Reached via phone, Lenita Watts, who along with her husband is seeking to adopt the children, said she couldn’t comment because it’s a pending adoption case. However, Watts said the grandparents may be disgruntled.

On June 20, 2011, the court changed the permanent plan from reunification with the birth mother to reunification with the father, who had gotten out of prison. It was after that the grandparents got a chance to see the boys. Their son, Frank Hartley Jr., now a resident of Daisytown, Pennsylvania, was awarded physical custody of his sons, but the foster parents filed a petition in Lincoln County where they lived to adopt the boys, according to records. The younger Hartley only had custody for one day. He wasn’t able to leave Mississippi with the boys.

The Jackson County Youth Court, which wanted to reunite the boys with their father, and Lincoln County Chancery Court sparred over jurisdiction in the case. The case ultimately went to the state Supreme Court on the jurisdiction issue, and the state high court ruled in 2011 that Lincoln County Chancery Court had jurisdiction because of the adoption case.

Patten signed the order preventing the children from leaving Mississippi, but the Hartleys were allowed to have contact with the boys and said they maintained a bonding relationship with them through quarterly visitations, weekly Skype sessions and telephone calls. However, the grandparents have now been cut off from contact with the boys. Their son is fighting the adoption of the boys by the foster parents. The younger Hartley has said in court papers that if he can’t get the children, his parents are ready and willing to take them.

“We have been going through hell,” Martha Hartley said in a phone interview. “It breaks my heart; we want our grandchildren.””

Miss. judge bars couple from grandsons[Clarion Ledger 8/9/14 by Jimmie E.Gates]

REFORM Puzzle Piece



Update:”An Ohio couple who risks losing contact forever with their two grandsons in Mississippi if the boys are allowed to be adopted by their former foster parents say there is a temporary hold on the adoption, but they have no expectations of gaining custody of their grandchildren.

We still aren’t allowed to have any contact with our grandchildren,” said Martha Hartley, who along with husband Frank Hartley Sr. of Barberton, Ohio, were certified as fit to care for their two grandsons, ages 6 and 8. “Our grandchildren have been denied their right to live with family.”

In February, Summit County Children’s Services in Akron, Ohio, completed a relative/foster home study on the Hartleys at the request of the Mississippi Department of Human Services’ Jackson County office and recommended the family for placement of the children. But Summit County Children Services said it could only make a recommendation and that the state of Mississippi would make the final placement decision.

On July 24, Summit County Children Services sent the Hartleys a letter that it had received paperwork from the state of Mississippi that terminates the family’s case. The agency that deals with child placement says that, since Mississippi terminated the home study, the case with Summit County Children Services is now closed.

After the children were removed from their mother’s custody in 2009, the grandparents said they immediately called DHS asking to be granted placement or custody, but the Jackson County Youth Court denied them contact with the boys.

The boys were placed with a foster couple in Lincoln County because of a shortage of foster homes in Jackson County. The Lincoln County couple later filed an adoption petition.

The Hartleys said they were informed June 2 that Chancery Judge Edward Patten had relieved DHS of custody of the boys and wasn’t considering placing the boys with birth relatives.

In September, there was a hearing on the petition to adopt the children, according to Martha Hartley.

The Hartleys’ son, Frank Hartley Jr., who is the father of the boys, is fighting the petition by the foster parents to adopt the boys. Monte Tynes, attorney for the younger Hartley, couldn’t be reached Monday for comment.

Court officials won’t discuss the case that is sealed because it involves minors.

According to court records, the children were removed from their mother’s custody because of allegations of neglect and abuse.

At the time the case began, Frank Hartley Jr. had just been released from jail in Florida for committing lewd and lascivious acts on a 14-year-old girl. His parents said he was 20 at the time and the crime occurred prior to him becoming a parent. He was an airman stationed at Elgin Air Force base when he was arrested in August 2006.

The grandparents have had foster care licenses since 2011. Martha Hartley is 48, and Frank Hartley Sr. is 47.

Mississippi Department of Human Services policy says family placements are given priority, but spokeswoman Julia Bryan has said placement decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.”

Grandparents await custody case ruling[Clarion Ledger 10/14/14 by Jimmie E. Gates]


  1. All states give lip service to relative preference. But when it comes down to cases, they always come up with some rationalization which justifies letting the Saintly Foster Parents adopt instead. The curious thing is that these rationalizations contradict the international adoption defenses– even though a lot of megafamilies have completed BOTH types of adoptions!

    For example, it’s too traumatic to transfer kids from a foster parent placement to qualified relatives, while somehow okay to transfer kids from in-country foster parents to unrelated PAPs who speak a different language and have a different culture. We should give money to crowdfund an international adoption for PAPs who can barely support their existing families because “money isn’t everything”, yet we should give kids to foster PAPs on the grounds that they can give them “more opportunities” than biological relatives!

    The specific argument used changes, but the thesis defended is always the same– White True Christian™ PAPs can raise everybody else’s children better than they can, so they should be given whatever child they lay claim to.

    • In our fight for our daughter, I have found that state CPS agencies are extremely reluctant to transfer a child out of state if the parents are still receiving services. This is to supposedly facilitate reunification. Of course, once reunification fails it becomes an “only home ever known” fight which pits foster parents against relatives.

      In our case we had a Missouri CPS supervisor testify that the goal was changed to adoption even though there was a fit and willing non-offending parent and that the department had absolutely no grounds to TPR my husband. Instead, the department focused all efforts on the offending mother. Once we exposed the idiots we got a new staffing and our daughter is home after 4 years in foster care.

      • Lucreza Borgia,

        I’m glad you finally prevailed! ;-D

        I’m sorry it took four years. 🙁

        There’s no excuse for CPS departments in different states to refuse to coordinate with each other. We live in an era of global connectivity, for crying out loud.

        • One of the former caseworkers (out of 7 total) came to testify on behalf of the foster parents. It turned out very badly for them. I don’t think they realized just how much this woman had screwed up or maybe they or their lawyer thought they could pave over the bad.

          The former caseworker was asked why she had not provided any services to my husband. Under oath, this woman testified that it “wasn’t [her] job to do anything for an out of state parent.”

          • Lucreza Borgia,

            Re: “…The former caseworker was asked why she had not provided any services to my husband. Under oath, this woman testified that it “wasn’t [her] job to do anything for an out of state parent.”…”

            This revealing how weak the supposed “relative preference” is.

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