Scammed Family Adopts From Haiti

By on 12-03-2014 in Haiti, International Adoption, Jon and Anne Peters

Scammed Family Adopts From Haiti

“Jon and Anne Peters of Brandon flew to Haiti in May last year to meet a bubbly, brown-eyed girl named Gracie they thought would soon join their family.

Two months later, the Peters learned they had been scammed by the director of the orphanage and adoption agency, who stole thousands of dollars from them, as well as their hearts.[What is the name of the adoption agency?]

“They took all of our money that we had raised and saved, which was about $15,000,” Anne said. “That was, like, devastating to us.”

The Peters didn’t give up, though. Jon traveled to Haiti with his father a year ago and was able to have Gracie moved to a new orphanage that provided better care and set up her up with a legitimate adoption agency.

Dad and I took a gamble and went down before Thanksgiving and finagled our way through the system in Haiti,” Jon said. “It was like the do-or-die last day where things had to happen or else we would never see her again. It was a Friday morning, and I went into the Haitian office of the guy that had her, and he decided to have a heart that day.”

During the 18-month adoption process, the Peters made several visits to Haiti, with Jon going there four times and Anne making five trips. In between visits, they were able to keep in contact with Gracie through text or Facebook messages from her nannies at the new orphanage.

“They would send us pictures or messages or show her pictures of us, and sometimes we got to Skype with her,” Anne said.

The Peters say that constant contact helped to familiarize Gracie with her new family.

“I really feel like she knew us prior to us bringing her home, and I think that our visits — it was expensive, but it was worth every penny — because Gracie recognized us at each visit there. It was crazy — she would just light up,” Anne said.

Gracie made her American debut before a crowd of more than 100 extended family members and friends at the Sioux Falls Airport on Oct. 16.

Big brothers Isaiah, 10, and Micah, 6, are elated to have a little sister. Isaiah describes Gracie as “rowdy,” and Micah says he relishes in their nightly rounds of brotherly-sisterly roughhousing.

The Peters say they’ll continue their ties to Haiti.

“I feel like Jon and I have a love for Haiti, so we’re not done going to Haiti or doing things with Haiti,” Anne said. “I know that I especially want her to keep that connection to Haiti. We want her to know where she came from, what her heritage is and things like that. And when she’s old enough to understand, I know we’ll bring her back.””

Brandon family overcomes scam, adopts girl[Argus Leader 12/1/14 by Jill Meier]

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