How Could You? Hall of Shame-Ireland-Foster children

By on 12-16-2014 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Ireland

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Ireland-Foster children

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Ireland, “the HSE has been investigating two serious claims of physical abuse against adults and foster children with intellectual disabilities in the south-east since 2012 — but has failed to publish any reports on the matter.

The Irish Examiner understands the inquiries, of which gardaí have been made “fully” aware, which a senior source said involved claims similar to Áras Attracta, were launched after families raised fears over how relatives were treated.

Advocacy groups are now insisting on a widescale independent inquiry to examine services provided across the network of homes for people with intellectual disabilities, warning Áras Attracta has “opened a Pandora’s box” of hidden abuse.

The first probe relates to claims of physical and verbal abuse at a care home for adults with intellectual disabilities. It is a voluntary centre in the south-east, which receives millions of euro from the state.

The investigation was launched in 2012 after a relative’s complaint and was signed off on by Pat Healy, then the HSE South regional director, now the HSE’s social care national director. He told Tuesday’s Prime Time he had never seen abuse like that recorded at Áras Attracta.

Despite the seriousness of the claims, it is understood the inquiry is being led by managers at the facility, assisted by the HSE, instead of an independent body.

While the HSE said the claims meant gardaí had been “informed fully” — with a team led by a detective inspector preparing a file for the DPP — the investigation has yet to end two years after launching.

It is understood staff involved are still being paid, while the HSE has yet to clarify if any have been put “off duty”. When asked why the inquiry had yet to end, a spokesperson would only say that it was due “shortly”.

A separate investigation is also taking place in the south-east over claims that a foster family has abused seven children with intellectual disabilities in its care.

This second investigation, which has also failed to be published two years after commencing, has also been passed on to gardaí.

In a statement, a HSE spokesperson confirmed that the investigation was taking place at the care home but did not comment on the alleged foster family abuse.

“The HSE can confirm one service provider [in the south-east] is conducting an investigation into an allegation of abuse brought to its attention by a family,” said the spokesperson.

“The service provider is finalising this investigation, which is being undertaken in accordance with its own complaints procedures and with the HSE’s requirements. Gardaí have been fully informed. The investigation is likely to be concluded shortly.”

Reacting to the revelations, Special Needs Parents Association spokeswoman Lorraine Dempsey said she was aware of other cases, adding a two-year delay was “wholly unsatisfactory”.

She said that, far from being isolated to one facility, the Áras Attracta scandal had “opened a Pandora’s box” of abuse claims at homes for the intellectual disabled which had previously been hidden from the public.

Ms Dempsey repeated calls for an independent inquiry into the system. However, she said, due to issues those affected had in being understood, the claims were difficult to confirm without first-hand evidence.”

HSE silent on double care abuse investigation[Irish Examiner 12/13/14 by  Fiachra Ó Cionnaith]

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