January to June 2007 from the JCICS Files

By on 2-11-2011 in Ethiopia, Haiti, JCICS, Nepal, Russia

January to June 2007 from the JCICS Files

January 2007Psychological Testing
Countries like Russia, Colombia, and others require a psychological exam for the homestudy. These meeting notes described attempts to water-down the psychological checks.

First, “Some time ago an agency posted contact information of a therapist who was willing to do a psychological testing over the phone. Upon investigation, the American Psychological Association indicated that this is not acceptable protocol within the professional field.”

What next? A drive-through social worker visit? This unacceptable protocol did not stop them from pursuing other pilot programs: “Information regarding Morris & McDaniel was distributed to the board. These management consultants are willing to run a pilot program at no cost with a few JCICS member agencies to demonstrate how their psychological testing works.”

February 2007
Despite the 2005 and 2006 notes describing corruption in Haiti, the JCICS moved full-speed ahead on getting new members with businesses in Haiti.


Efforts are being made to encourage Haitian NGO’s to register with JCICS.”

March 2007
Unfettered access to lawmakers continued.

“ International Relations Initiative/Global Awareness Campaign

JCICS will be meeting with the new director of CIS next week. In addition JCICS has already met with the new legislative director in Senator Landrieu’s office as well as attended an adoption 101 congressional briefing. Meetings with CCAI and DOS continue to take place on a regular basis.”

Haiti “Initiative”
Would that “initiative” be to root out corruption, you might ask? Ha! Think again. “JCICS is conducting a survey with members and the NGOs they partner with to complete an orphan status report. UNICEF did one about a year ago that reported international adoption there was hand in hand with child trafficking, calling for increased protections. JCICS is working to prove this is an inaccurate representation and reflect what agencies are doing to support orphanages, run humanitarian aid programs as well as the numbers of children that are presently in orphanages there.”

In other words, the JCICS was saying that as long as agencies also provided humanitarian aid, child trafficking claims should be dismissed? Unbelievable.

“Deb shared that she knows of a photographer who has done work for Oprah…” Ah yes, those photos of starving kids always tug at the heartstrings and deflect reality.

May 2007
This is the month Nepal closed for adoptions the first time due to corruption and fraud. The well-connected JCICS had meetings.


JCICS met with two representatives from Nepal for two days in DC & NY.”

Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy that the government secretly met with adoption industry reps to craft new government authorities while simultaneously trying to get Hague implementation off the ground? That’s what happened with the JCICS in this timeframe.


JCICS is working quietly with DOS and members of Congress to craft legislation that would permanently resolve the post-placement issue with Russia. Essentially it would create a U.S. government authority to ensure the safety of placed children. “

June 2007

Nepal has been a fairly active program, but has recently closed due to the new Maoist government that has assumed leadership there. It appears that they were not familiar with how to process international adoptions so they have stopped cases altogether for the time being. However, new adoption friendly legislation has been introduced that will help ease restrictions on adoptive parents and clarify some previously gray areas.”

It is mind-boggling that the JCICS claimed that Nepal closed because the new government was unclear on procedures. For a synopsis of why Nepal closed at that time as well as the current issues read http://pear-now.blogspot.com/2010/08/pear-response-to-suspension-of.html.

Knowing that fraud and corruption caused of the shutdown, it is disgusting to read that easing adoptive parent restrictions is “adoption-friendly.” If legislation is not friendly to the original biological families, it cannot be friendly at all.

In addition to hitting up Jimmy Carter to do their bidding, they also sent Holt and Faith International agencies to Nepal. For more information about Faith International, read http://poundpuplegacy.org/node/6241 .

These notes admitted that the USCIS overlooked court decree documentation for visas prior to this time.

“Another problem involves that fact that USCIS used to turn a blind eye to the fact that the language in the court decrees did not specifically say irrevocable. Now USCIS is requesting that the wording be changed, but trying to get courts in Haiti to do this is very problematic.”

This indicated that the Department of State assisted in reducing barriers to open or expand new programs in Africa. From 2007 to 2010, Ethiopia adoptions doubled. Uganda seemed to be the next frontier as troubles continue to plague the Ethiopia program.


DOS is working with JCICS to assist with arranging potential trips to Ethiopia, Uganda and possibly South Africa.”

January 2007 full notes http://poundpuplegacy.org/files/jcics/January%2024,%202007%20Minutes.pdf

February 2007 full notes http://poundpuplegacy.org/files/jcics/February%2014,%202007%20Minutes.pdf

March 2007 full notes http://poundpuplegacy.org/files/jcics/March%2014,%202007%20Minutes.pdf

May 2007 full notes http://poundpuplegacy.org/files/jcics/May%208%202007%20Minutes.doc

June 2007 full notes http://poundpuplegacy.org/files/jcics/June%2013%202007%20Minutes.pdf

For all 2005-2009 meeting minutes, see http://poundpuplegacy.org/node/46329.

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