Arizona’s Golden State Human Development Group Home License Revoked

By on 9-02-2015 in Arizona, Group Homes

Arizona’s Golden State Human Development Group Home License Revoked

“The state Department of Child Safety on Monday said it was moving to revoke the license of a Mesa company that runs four group homes for troubled youth in the Phoenix area.

The action announced Monday against Golden State Human Development comes after repeated problems at the homes, including more than 170 law enforcement calls to two of the homes between January and July.

Other alleged problems that prompted the unusual step included children being left unattended for hours, failing to provide medical treatment and not intervening in altercations between the children who lived in the homes. Golden State also didn’t have proof that it did background checks on some of its workers and inadequately secured medication, cleaning supplies and medications.

The foster children living at the homes were moved out in recent days, department spokesman Doug Nick said. The homes were licensed to care for 35 children and handled girls ages 10 to 17.

“This is one of those situations that became egregious, so we made a move,” Nick said.

The company can appeal the loss of its license. Call seeking comment from Golden State CEO Greg Johnson at the number listed on the nonprofit’s tax returns weren’t immediately returned.

Child Safety Department Director Greg McKay ordered more frequent licensing monitoring visits for group homes after taking over the department in February. He also implemented a policy of sharing responsibility for the care and safety of children in the foster care system between the state and group home operators.”

Child Safety Department revoking Arizona group homes’ license [KTAR 8/31/15 by Associated Press]

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One Comment

  1. I believe these a ligations made about Golden State are not true the 170 policy calls were calls made for girls that run away from the group homes calling the police is required. from the state regulations Golden State was one of the group homes that took some of the most troubles girls . I worked for Golden state and the Girls were always cared for , they had plenty of food , they were always supervised , always had there doctors appointments, and all there needs were met. I believe that this home should never have been shut down and everything that was wrote about this non profit organization were extremely exaggerated and false statements and these homes should never have been shut down.

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