Bring on the Ideas!

By on 4-18-2012 in Adoption Reform, Foster Care Reform, Reformatina's Hope

Bring on the Ideas!

I like solutions to challenges and would like to see more of this in adoptionland. Unfortunately, it is such an emotionally charged issue there seem to be few solutions to the immense problems we see and more finger pointing, verbal venom, and smoke and mirrors…and people, children, first families, foster families, adoptive families continue to suffer- often needlessly.

What the problems need are some intelligent, informed, creative problem solvers with an ounce of compassion in a room redeveloping domestic and international adoption policy. I can think of some great people for this, but we just aren’t there yet. The adoption community isn’t willing to look at multidimensional issues thoughtfully and comprehensively. Too much is at stake to do so- a multimillion dollar industry, pride, blame, dysfunctional clinging to ideology, ignorance and misguided anger for wrongs.

The problems aren’t going away today, tomorrow or next year. C’mon people! Bring on the ideas. Want to guest post an essay or propose policy changes? Submit them here for review and be a part of this blog’s effort to educate and change public perception.

*Originally posted by Reformatina and lost in space during migration

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