Lawsuit: New York ACS et al.UPDATED

By on 1-11-2016 in Foster Care, Government lawsuits, International Surrogacy, Lawsuits, Louise Fielden, UK

Lawsuit: New York ACS et al.UPDATED

“A London cop who was arrested after leaving her sleeping baby alone in a Manhattan hotel room is suing a slew of agencies, claiming they placed her 15-month-old son with a foster mom who spent her birthday cavorting at a gay men’s club playing “porno bingo.” 

Single mom Louise Fielden boarded a flight to London Tuesday, but was forced to leave her son Samuel behind. She’s now filed a lawsuit in Brooklyn Federal Court for his return.

Fielden, 42, is suing the New York City Administration for Children’s Services, the New York Foundling Charitable Corporation, the City of New York, and the foster mother, claiming Samuel is being held “hostage and kidnapped in a foreign country,” according to court papers.

The London mom has also filed a lawsuit in Manhattan Supreme Court, claiming the officers who took her into custody used excessive force.

“They really manhandled her,” defense attorney Andrew Spinnell told the Post. “They didn’t extend her any courtesy at all, even though she was a cop. On the contrary, they beat her up […] and there appears to be some sort of cover-up happening as well.”


Fielden was also sexually assaulted as she awaited arraignment, Spinnell revealed, saying “another prisoner groped her breasts.”

The whole debacle began last April, after Fielden and Samuel checked into the Chelsea High Line hotel. It was there that an employee later discovered the baby alone in the room, asleep, and called the NYPD, the papers detail.

She was then arrested on charges of endangering the welfare of a child, resisting arrest, and possession of a controlled substance because she had some Codeine pills for which she holds a prescription.

The mother was accused of leaving the child alone for more than an hour in two different instances, but the London police officer says she left the child sleeping alone for only 30 minutes, when she went to clean his bottles in the hotel kitchen.

On the other occasion, she says the infant was just “one foot” away from her on the kitchen floor as she ate breakfast.

“In my culture and society in London this behavior of leaving a child for a short period of time is normal and acceptable,” Fielden–a 13 year veteran of the Metropolitan Police Services in London– said in an affidavit.

Samuel is now under the care of a Queens woman, who is co-founder and president of “Single Women in Support of Homos,” (SWISH). The “porno bingo” party was a fundraising initiative for the group, who support the LGBT community, the papers say.

Fielden, the product of a “conservative upbringing in the Church of England,” says the foster mothers’ views could not be farther from her own.

The suit ask for the transfer of baby Samuel to Fielden’s cousin in Bedfordshire, England, until an outcome is determined.

“This is a person who is on a much needed vacation, trying to enjoy themselves,” Spinnell said. “Instead, it turns into the shopping excursion from hell.”
Foster mom ditched my baby to play ‘porno bingo’! [NY Post 1/7/16 by Emily Saul]

REFORM Puzzle Piece


Update: “The British policewoman’s baby at the centre of an international child welfare battle could soon be returned to the UK.

But PC Louise Fielden is unlikely to get immediate custody of her 14-month-old son Samuel, it was revealed last night.

The complicated case is playing out in three separate New York courts and single mother Ms Fielden has accused American authorities of ‘kidnapping’ her baby and holding him ‘hostage.’

The officer, who works for the Metropolitan Police and is based in Tower Hamlets, east London, was arrested at a Manhattan hotel in April and charged with endangering the welfare of a child and resisting arrest.

She was accused of abandoning the baby alone in their room and then leaving him on the lobby floor while she went into a kitchen to make breakfast.

The charges were dropped earlier this month but her son remains in foster care in New York, while she has returned to the UK.

Miss Fielden is petitioning for the return of her child under the 1980 Hague Convention.

Yesterday, a Brooklyn Federal Court was told that she had agreed to cooperate with the US and British authorities so that the infant could be returned to the UK.

But her lawyer Andrew Spinnell admitted that he had no idea how long the process would take because the case was unprecedented.

Afterwards, Mr Spinnell said that Miss Fielden’s cousin David Knowles, who lives in Bedfordshire and had originally agreed to care for the child, was ‘no longer in the picture.’

He said: ‘The child will be placed with the appropriate services near her home in England, then a court there will decide.’

Asked how long it would take to resolve the situation, he added: ‘I have no idea. I hope it isn’t months.’

In a separate legal action, Miss Fielden, 42, is suing the New York City authorities, including the police and child welfare services, for up to £30 million.

She also objects to the foster mother caring for Samuel, claiming that Susan Sena is a leading light in a group called SWISH – Single Women in Support of Homos – and played ‘porn bingo’ on her birthday with an X-rated male actor.


A third case is playing out in New York Family Court, where Miss Fielden has been accused of child neglect. There will be a hearing on that next week. (JAN 21)

She was accused of leaving him alone in the hotel room unattended for 30 minutes while she went to sterilise his bottles in hot water.

Fielden was also accused of leaving the boy on the floor of a kitchen while she ate breakfast.

The single mother was facing initial charges of endangering the welfare of a child, resisting arrest, and possession of a controlled substance because she had some Codeine pills for which she holds a prescription, which officers found in her luggage.

Speaking previously to the Daily Mail about her arrest, single mother Miss Fielden said: ‘Two (police officer) grabbed my arms while another swept my legs from under me.

‘I was handcuffed face down and the arresting officer called me a ‘limey bitch’, telling me I couldn’t be a police officer as I had no respect. I was traumatised and shocked. I was not aggressive or difficult — I had co-operated.’

Miss Fielden was placed in a holding cell where, she claims, she was forced to sit for ten hours.

She claims she was physically assaulted by another prisoner who fondled her chest.

For eight months, she saw her son three times a week for a few hours a day at a supervision centre under the watchful eye of a social worker.

She said: ‘All I could try to do was make it as normal and natural and loving for Samuel as possible.

‘I played with him, read to him, gave him his milk. But it is heart- breaking. He cried each time I left.’

Miss Fielden said she spent three years trying to conceive via IVF.

She eventually fell pregnant early in 2014 using sperm from an anonymous Danish donor and gave birth to Samuel in October that year.

‘I couldn’t find the man of my dreams and I wasn’t prepared to go through my life childless,’ she said.

‘I was happy to be a single mum and could afford to do so. Family is the most gorgeous thing you can possible have.’ ”

British policewoman’s baby could soon be back in UK – but she’s set to be denied immediate custody
 [Daily Mail 1/16/16 by Annette Witheridge]

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