Mississippi Now Has Bethany’s Safe Families for Children (SB 2493)

By on 5-11-2016 in Bethany, Corruption, Mississippi, Safe Families For Children

Mississippi Now Has Bethany’s Safe Families for Children (SB 2493)

 Well now Mississippi has it. Back in 2011, we did TWO stories on this here and here.

The article cited below does not  mention that Bethany is the one sponsoring it. Safe Families.org has a website. Now they say that “93% of all Placing Families”reunite with their children which is UP from the last time we checked when their was only 85% reunions.

See the  April 28,2016 SB 2493 legislation announcement here.

“Mississippi’s foster care system is overloaded, but some say it’s not always the answer.

One option passed by the Legislature is called Safe Families for Children. It’s where a parent can temporarily turn their children over to someone.

Jennifer and Andy Ray took in a child when the child’s mother needed help.

“Initially, she needed to go to treatment. And so she did that. So, we had him from basically just before Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve last year,” said Jennifer Ray.

“Parents are able to maintain custody throughout this process,” said Mallorie Bonds, the Safe Families for Children coordinator. “And at any time, they can say this is not for me, I just want my children back under my roof.”

Host families within this type of community-based model are not paid for providing care.

Safe Families for Children is only in Hinds, Madison and Rankin counties right now.”

Alternative offered to foster care [WTVA 5/10/16 by Courtney Ann Jackson and Craig Ford]

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