How Could You? Hall of Shame-Jazzmyne Holden case

By on 1-31-2017 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Jazzmyne Holden, Oregon

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Jazzmyne Holden case

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Oregon, former foster child “Jazzmyne Holden, now 20, was just ten years old when she and her sister went to live with her new foster parents Gary and Tabitha Gibson.

At first all seemed fine.

‘On the surface, it seemed really nice,’ she said. ‘They were vegetarian… went to church all the time. But underneath, he was molesting me.’

Holden spent just three months with the Gibsons before she and her sibling were removed by Child Protection Services after reports that Gary had touched little girls in his care, according to Holden.

Gary claims the children were removed because one of his foster kids made up a story that he left them in the woods alone.

Holden says that it was more than a year later when she began to remember the repressed alleged abuse.

She says she was making soup, aged 11 or 12, when she spilled the hot liquid all over her legs and crotch. The burning sensation brought back uncomfortable memories of her time with Gary Gibson.

‘It sent me into a panic attack. I looked up at my mom and said I believe that Gary had raped me,’ Jazzmyne said. ‘I didn’t recall specifically what happened. I just remembered pain where I shouldn’t been having pain at 11 years old.’

‘The next day, my mom took me to the doctor and the doctor was able to tell that I had been sexually abused at one point in time.

The incident was previously investigated by police and no criminal charges were filed.Shaking Head Sad

Gary, who denies all the allegations, has since come forward to admit that he is attracted to little children – particularly young girls – but claims he has never acted on his urges.

Gary, of Oregon, recently came out as what he described as a ‘virtuous pedophile’, and has set up a non-profit organisation – the Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention – to help people like him who he says choose not to offend.

But Holden, who says she was raped by Gary four to five times, says she was sickened by his claims he never touched children.

On Monday’s episode of the Dr Phil Show, Holden got the chance to confront her former foster parents about the alleged abuse.

‘For him to claim that everything that I remember is off of false memories is ridiculous. I didn’t make this up,’ she said.

‘Gary speaking out about being a virtuous pedophile is disgusting. For him to claim he’s virtuous and control it, it’s just a slap to the face.

‘I want people to know what he did to me, that he’s not who he says he is. And I want people to listen because I’m trying to save somebody else. I don’t want anybody else to go through what I went through, what I still go through. I’m proof he’s lying.’

The 20-year-old, who says she suffers from panic attacks and night terrors as a result of the abuse, added that Gary’s wife Tabitha remains ‘blissfully in the dark.

‘She doesn’t wanna see it. She doesn’t wanna believe it so, she just goes about it and pretend it’s not there. This is the man she lays in bed with every night. So, she ignores it.’

Gary, a Christian ex-teacher, whose family has a history of incestual child abuse, openly admits he is a pedophile.

But insists that he is a ‘virtuous pedophile but I’m not a child molester.’

He claims that Holden may have ‘developed false memories because of pressure from a counselor or what’.

He added that she had come to him as an adult where he had ‘assured her that that had not happened.’

‘She was glad to hear that.’

Gary admits he has been sexually attracted to little girls fro the past sixty years ‘but choose not to act on it.’

His wife has been incredibly accepting of his attraction to young girls – and even lets him discuss when he sees a ‘cute girl’.

‘Sometimes when we see an attractive girl I’ll mention it to her and she’ll say ‘yeah, she is a real cute girl.’ But she means like you know cute and I mean like I’m sexually attracted to her,’ he explained.

His struggles intensified when his first marriage broke down in the nineties, and he decided to ‘spend some time out in the South Pacific’, where he said there were ‘a lot of little girls running around naked’.

After a couple of years he returned home, and met British nurse Tabitha Abel – woman who would become his wife – through a Christian singles dating site in 2004.

They married in 2005. Eventually, they built a log cabin in Oregon, which included rooms for their grandchildren.

But he was still dogged by his desires.

‘The first time I remember changing my daughter’s diaper I thought, “Am I going to touch her” or something, but I made the decision right there that was not going to happen,’ he said in the video, before explaining how he and his wife chose to adopt foster children because their grandchildren did not visit enough.

Gibson says the children eventually moved on for ‘other reasons’, however when Holden came forward with her allegations, three years after she left his foster care, his brush with the police forced him to ‘come out’ to his wife.

‘I told her I didn’t do it, but this is where I’m at… I’m attracted to kids,’ he said.

During a recent interview, Gibson explained why he is attracted to young girls – but not young boys or teenagers.

The ‘comfortably out’ pedophile, whose wife is a nurse, said he is normally not aroused by teenage girls and does not have any desire for young boys.

‘When they pass 12 they tend to get into themselves, start to make themselves look older, and I like things natural – so there we are,’ he told The Sun in the UK.

‘When they start wearing lipstick and stuff like that I don’t find it very appealing.’

Despite his attractions, Gibson added he is ‘a normal everyday person’.

‘I don’t go around in a white van giving candy to kids in the park,’ he said.

Gibson’ wife then told the British newspaper she does not consider her husband to be a pedophile because: ‘most people I consider a pedophile to be a child molester – which he isn’t.’

The interview then went into some more graphic details about Gibson’s sexual habits.

He told the newspaper he does not seek out pornography involving children when he masturbates, but added he doesn’t ‘beat himself up’ if he does watch scenes involving young people.

‘I don’t feel bad it about because it’s not reality, I can differentiate between fantasy and reality,’ he said.

The 65-year-old also seemed to have come to terms with his life as a pedophile, despite understanding that it makes him unpopular with many.

‘If people knew I was a pedophile they wouldn’t like me,’ he said.

‘But overall my life has gone fairly well.'”

Former foster daughter comes face to face with the self-proclaimed ‘virtuous pedophile’ who she claims raped her when she was ten

[Daily Mail 1/24/17 by Hannah Perry]

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One Comment

  1. I know it’s unlikely, but I’d like to contact Jazzmyne to learn more.

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