South Carolina H3550

By on 2-09-2017 in Foster Care, Legislation, South Carolina

South Carolina H3550

Here is wording of H3550.

“In his first Subcommittee hearing, Representative John McCravy recently voted to require DSS to notify foster parents when their foster child is being adopted.

There have been instances where DSS has taken foster children from their foster parents with no notice and no time for the foster family to prepare. Foster parents have no rights in the adoption process. Even if they have taken care of the child for years, they are completely excluded from the decision. The Supreme Court’s opinion is that they are “mere foster parents,” which is insulting to the people who have sacrificed to help the children and the community.

“Foster parents can be a huge blessing.” Rep. McCravy says. “Their selfless service should not be deemed unimportant.”

The S.C. General Assembly is taking action. Last week, Rep. McCravy attended his first General and Family Laws Subcommittee meeting, where he voted to pass a measure to require that DSS notify foster parents of an adoption. The bill will now be considered by the Judiciary Committee, of which Rep. McCravy is a member.

“I am here to help people any way I can. I hope we can make the adoption process as easy and as fair as possible for everyone.”

Representative McCravy was elected to serve House District 13 on November 8th, 2016. He is a Republican who is eager to serve the Greenwood area.”

Rep. McCravy votes to require DSS to notify foster parents of an adoption[GWD Today 1/26/17 ]

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