How Could You? Hall of Shame-Jeremy Cecil

By on 4-22-2017 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Jeremy Cecil, Kentucky

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Jeremy Cecil

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions

From Winchester, Kentucky, foster father Jeremy Cecil “committed “sodomy on a 5-year-old and sexually abused the 5-year-old several times using his hands upon the child’s vagina” on or about May 1, 2015, according to police records.”

“The twins would remain with the Cecils through at least May 25, 2015, Jennifer Cecil said. Jeremy Cecil, who didn’t have a police record, was arrested Oct. 22, 2015, and is being held at the Clark County jail, awaiting trial. He pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree sodomy and first-degree sexual abuse.

In June 2015, the twins were moved to another foster family, Jeremy Cecil said in a phone conversation from jail.”

“The girl, who suffered from cerebral palsy, was sodomized multiple times roughly two months after she was removed from her mother and father in February 2015, according to court and child protection records.

Jennifer Cecil claimed that she remains a foster parent with Benchmark but was told that the company wouldn’t place any children with them until Jeremy’s legal troubles were resolved.

“I don’t know when he could have done it if he did. I don’t think that he did it,” Jennifer Cecil said regarding the charges against her husband. “I didn’t even let Jeremy take them to the store. They would go with me.”

“In May 2015, the twins’ father and his lawyer met with Lexington police detective James Jeffries, who investigated whether the sexual misconduct claim against the dad warranted criminal charges, according to a document from the cabinet. The father denied all allegations. Jeffries put his criminal investigation on hold for lack of sufficient evidence. The twins’ father has never been charged with a sexual crime.“To have the molester who molested my daughter accuse me, I have felt evil for the first time in my life,” the twins’ father told the Herald-Leader. “I knew the story was bogus. I knew it didn’t happen. I knew that this was a major cover-up by the cabinet, attorneys and judge. I want this judge to resign immediately.”

Nevertheless, a year later, on May 24, 2016, “Stein found a risk of sexual abuse against (the father) in regards to his children,” the cabinet stated in a document. “A finding was not made on (the mother).” Stein’s decision was based on the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act hearing results against the parents.

“The cabinet feels that the (needs of the children) are best met in their … placements,” the cabinet stated. “The cabinet continues to have concerns regarding the mother’s ability to demonstrate parenting skills and protective capacity after participating in class and therapy to address the concerns. It is recommended that the parents continue working with the cabinet to regain custody of the children.”

On Aug. 1, 2016, the cabinet recommended that both twins should be adopted.

The mother has seen the twins about once a month, but the twins’ father has not seen his children in more than two years. During that time, he has contacted the attorney general’s office, the governor’s office and the FBI, to no avail. The father also filed the complaint with the Judicial Conduct Commission that led to Stein’s second suspension.

The Herald-Leader contacted the mother’s attorney, Abe Mashni, and the father’s attorney, Ledgewood. Both declined to comment. The twins’ mother also declined to comment. Stein, through her lawyer, James Deckard, and the cabinet did not return multiple requests for comment.

Stein removed herself from the twins’ case on March 2, according to a court document. Her reason was that “a respondent has filed a pleading that has disqualified me from any further rulings in these cases.”

Less than two weeks later, Stein learned of her suspension. The 30-day period started March 20. The punishment also covered the case of Rai-Tonicia King, who sought custody of Joian Adams’ daughter. Adams appeared in Stein’s court without an attorney on May 20. King and her attorney admitted that another evidentiary hearing was needed in the case. However, Stein “proceeded to grant permanent sole custody of the child” to King, according to the order.

Stein’s first suspension was from Sept. 28 through Oct. 4. In that case, Stein granted emergency joint custody to Charles Schindler in December 2015 without Schindler’s wife or her lawyer being present in court.”
Before suspension, judge put 5-year-olds in foster care. Now foster dad is charged with sexual abuse

[ 4/7/17  by Fernando Alfonso III]

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