How Could You? Hall of Shame-Brodi McVeigh case-Braydon Mc Veigh child death

By on 3-09-2011 in Abuse in foster care, Brodi McVeigh, Foster Care, Hawaii, How could you? Hall of Shame

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Brodi McVeigh case-Braydon Mc Veigh child death

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Honolulu, Hawaii, the foster mother of a sibling of a boy who died at the hands of his father, was arrested on February 24, 2011 “after admitting that she hit Brodi and the girl was found to have a bloody lip, according to the Feb. 24 DHS report.”

“Brodi also had other injuries, including swollen fingertips, bruising of her palm, a swollen left hand, a thumb-size bruise on her cheek, a bump on her forehead and a jaw-line bruise, the report states.
The report said the Honolulu Police Department responded on Feb. 19 to the home of the DHS-licensed caretakers for Brodi.
The foster father, who also is in the Navy, was notified in San Diego and immediately flew back to Honolulu, officials said.
Brodi was placed in a “non-relative resource home” on Oahu and “appears to not be thriving due to the circumstances that led to her recent injuries,” the DHS report states.
The latest allegation of abuse involving the McVeigh children comes as the maternal grandmother in Port Isabel, Texas, and paternal grandparents in Hamilton, Ill., continue to seek custody of Brodi.”
“Terri Polm, the maternal grandmother and a critical care nurse, has made repeated efforts to provide care for Brodi. The children’s mother, April, who lives with Polm, had her parental rights terminated, family and officials said.
Russell McVeigh, Matthew McVeigh’s father, also has a custody request.”

Father charged in baby’s death
[Honolulu Star Advisor 3/9/11 by William Cole]

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