REFORM Talk’s Forgotten Angels 2018

By on 12-31-2018 in Forgotten Angels

REFORM Talk’s Forgotten Angels 2018

In 2018, we honor US adopted children that are missing; missing and presumed dead; and/or related to the out-of-original family placements and surrogacy industry that are otherwise forgotten since December 2017 and years earlier that we have discovered.

This post includes all child deaths and children missing from US foster care or adoptions and adult adoptee deaths as well as those otherwise forgotten that we could find.

Still Missing

The 400 children presumably disrupted from Russia. See here.

Still Missing and Presumed Dead

In 2011, it was brought to light that two adoptees from the same family were missing: Austin and Edward Dylan Bryant. See the case  here.

A child nicknamed Moo, foster child of Judith Leekin . See the case here.

Rilya Wilson, 4, went missing in December 2000. In 2011, her foster mother was ordered to trial. It was delayed until end of 2012. Geralyn Graham was sentenced to 55 years in 2013 though they haven’t found Rilya’s body. See  here.

Jhessye Shockley. See here. Jhessye’s mother, Jerice Hunter, had been convicted of child abuse and served 4 years in a California prison. After being released in 2010,  Arizona CPS allowed Jerice to take custody of Jhessye from Shirley. On a day in October 2011 when Shirley Johnson was in Maricopa County Superior Court for a custody hearing, Jerice reported Jhessye  as missing. Jhessye’s body has never been found.

Hasanni Campbell. See here. From Fremont, California, disabled foster child Hasanni Campbell, who was five when he disappeared on  August 10, 2009. His foster mother was his aunt.His foster father, Louis Ross, told police he parked in a Rockridge neighborhood, taking his daughter into a shoe store while leaving Hasanni, who wore leg braces due to cerebral palsy, inside the car. When he returned, Hasanni was gone.

Adult Adoptee Deaths

Katie Pladl. See here.From Connecticut,20-year-old Katie Pladl was shot dead by her biological father “as they sat in a pickup truck.” Katie had just broken up with her incestuous father. The baby boy named Bennett that Steven and Katie had together in September 2017 was discovered dead at a home in Knightdale, North Carolina, where the couple used to live.

Child Deaths-International Adoption

Sam Mercer. See here.From Scarborough, Maine, 18-year-old Ethiopian adoptee,Sam, died by suicide on April 6, 2018.His original “adoptive American parents gave him up after three years. He bounced around Colorado foster homes and schools for most of the next decade.”

“But then last year he landed in Scarborough, where he quickly found himself in a real home and began to spread inspiration and cheer in the hallways of Scarborough High.

“Sam’s super, power was his ability to inspire people,” said Dan Mercer, his newly adoptive father.”

Bo,Meghan, Lia, and Kayleigh Lin. See here. From Columbia,Tennessee, this October 16, 2018 case involves “adoptive mother Cynthia Collier [who] shot to death [Chinese adoptees]14-year-old Bo Li, 14-year-old Meigan Lin, 15-year-old Lia Lin and 17-year-old Kaileigh Lin and herself.”

Child Deaths-Adoption

Shanise and Jeremiah Myers. See here. From Troy, New York,this December 21, 2017 case involved adoptees Shanise,5, and  Jeremiah,11, being “brutally murdered” over a “flat-screen television and Xbox.” They  “had been bound by their feet and had their throats slit.”James White, 38, and Justin Mann, 22, were arrested on “multiple counts of murder as well as burglary and robbery.”

Markis, Jeremiah, Abigail, Hannah, Devonte and Ciera Hart. See here. From Mendocino, California, Markis Hart, 19, Jeremiah Hart, 14, Abigail Hart, 14,Hannah Hart, 16, Devonte Hart, 15, and Ciera Hart,12,”were in an SUV that plunged 100-feet off a cliff in California in a deadly crash” by their lesbian mothers. Four bodies were recovered.

Sophia and Elianna Toth. See here.From Colorado, “Michigan adoptive parents Thomas and Christina Toth, both 48, “were traveling with their adopted daughters, 11-year-old Sophia and eight-year-old Elianna, shortly before 12am when the horrific crash occurred. ”

“A family-of-four was killed early Saturday morning during their Colorado vacation when their van collided with a tractor-trailer.”

Katera Barker. See here. From Nashville, Tennessee,”adoptee “Katera Barker died on Wednesday in Nashville, Tennessee, after adoptive dad Matt Barker left her in a car and took a ride sharing service to the airport for a business trip, the Tennessean reported.”

She died “after being left in a car all day in blistering 89 degree heat.”

Remington Boyd. See here. From Billings, Montana, this June 18, 2018 case involved a 4-year-old adoptive daughter,Remington,after she was found unresponsive after her adoptive father “slammed the child’s head against the wall and struck her with his fists while she was on the floor several days earlier.”

Child Deaths-Group-Respite Home/RTC/Hospital/Juvenile Justice Facility/CPS office

Shaud Howell. See here. From Cleveland, Ohio, 13-year-old Shaud Howell was taken to Edgewater Beach. Howell and another teen played in the water for about an hour, then planned to head back to the beach.

Only the 16-year-old made it back. Howell’s body was found by searchers Sunday.”

Group home worker Christina Coleman “faces involuntary manslaughter and endangering children charges after a 13-year-old drowned in Lake Erie over the summer.”

Breyanna Kalk. See here. From Madison, Wisconsin, this 2016 case involved 17-year-old Breyanna who “died of suicide in the Spohn Avenue House for Girls.”

“A Marshall family is suing employees of a now-closed group home, claiming they were “deliberately indifferent” and negligent to a 17-year-old sexual assault victim””in a brutal rape case in a Wisconsin Department of Corrections halfway house.”

Matthew Cox. See here. From Mobile, Alabama, this October 2018 case involves 21-year-old Matthew Cox, who had autism and the mental capacity of a 4-year-old. Matthew suffered from “severe damage to his organs” brought on by Trent Yates, 27 who stomped on him prior to his death. Yates is “charged with murdering Matthew Cox.”

Child Deaths-US Foster Care 

Ariza Barreras. See here.From Belen, New Mexico, this December 31, 2017 case involved an 11-month -old Ariza dying after she spent the night in a carseat. The cause of death was “strangulation around the neck”.Her foster mother was charged but then those charges were dropped on February 9, 2018.

3-Month-Old foster daughter. See here. From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this January 13, 2018 case involved a 3-month-old foster daughter who “was found unresponsive while in bed with her foster mother.” The cause of death has yet to be determined.

Kristen Carter (Nelson). See here. From St. Paul, Minnesota, this November 2017 case involved 1 year old Kristen Carter (Nelson) dying from “pneumonia and croup”,according to Ramsey County medical examiner’s office.

Zayden Lawson. See here. From Eagan, Minnesota, this June 7, 2017 case involved 3-year-old Zayden Lawson “lying on his back on the living room floor, unconscious and not breathing.

Medics were unable to revive Lawson. He was transported to St. Paul Children’s Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The complaint states an autopsy performed the next day showed his death was due to multiple blunt force injuries and was ruled a homicide.”

Boyfriend of the foster mother, Charles Homich “reportedly told a coworker that he had punched Zayden in the stomach and that Zayden became, “really sick and his vomit was black.”The complaint states the Ramsey County Medical Examiner analyzed a hemorrhage found in Lawson’s abdomen and their findings “are consistent with the fatal injuries being inflicted in the overnight hours of June 6-7, 2017.” The grand jury indicted Homich “with four counts of first-degree murder and three counts of second-degree murder in the beating death” of Zayden.

Nathaniel Gard. See here. From Newark, Ohio, “5-year-old foster child Nathaniel Gard “died June 6 [2018] from his injuries at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus.” “Nathaniel Gard had been wrestling with one of his foster parents and a 6-year-old brother.”

“Medical personnel determined Gard suffered numerous injuries including severe head trauma, detached retinas, bilateral retinal hemorrhages and bruising to much of his body.

Gard also had two cuts to his genitals, according to court records.

The injuries are consistent with physical abuse, court records said.”

Kenneth Schultz, one of his foster fathers, “has been indicted on charges of murder and involuntary manslaughter.

Kenneth Schulz, 30, of Newark, was indicted by a Licking County grand jury last week. In June, Schulz was indicted on two endangering children charges, one a second-degree felony and the other a third-degree felony, in Licking County Common Pleas Court.”

Sky Lhamon. See  here. From Sidney, Ohio, “13-year-old foster child Sky Lhamon “died in a crash after driving her foster mother’s minivan” on June 7, 2018.” Sky was driving “when it went left of center into the path of an oncoming semi truck.

Maqkwone Jones. See here. From Chicago, Illinois, this July 8, 2018 case involves 3-year-old
Maqkwone who “was left alone in a locked apartment when fire spread from back porches.” He died in the fire. No one has been charged.

Arya. See  here. From Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, this November 6, 2017 case involved 3-year-old Arya who was starved to death.

“The child was found severely dehydrated. Police said that since the girl had arrived at the couple’s home, she lost weight and had gone from the 98th percentile in weight to the 13th percentile weeks before her death.

A Hennepin County grand jury indicted the [Sherrie and Bryce Dirk] on charges of first- and second-degree murder that include allegations of child abuse, endangerment, neglect and malicious punishment.”

8-year-old foster boy and his 4-year-old foster sister. See here. From Vina, Alabama,this August 25, 2018 case involves 8-year-old Foster boy and his 4-year-old sister who “were killed in a four-wheeler accident.” He said the driver of the vehicle, a 47-year-old Vina woman, was taken to a local hospital.

Layla Bacon.  See here. From Jordan, Minnesota, this August 26, 2018 case involves an 18-month-old Layla who had “trouble breathing”.

Her biological mother “said she found out about the incident and arrived at the hospital Monday where Layla was in grave condition. By Tuesday afternoon, Layla was dead.

“They told us yesterday that she had broken blood vessels on the back of her eyes, which is consistent with foul play,” Bacon said.” No one has been charged.

Samuel Brummet Jr. See here. This May 1, 2017 case involves 3-year-old Samuel who “spent a day at Phoenix Children’s Hospital on life support before he died. The Maricopa County Medical Examiner’s report showed he died from complications from the flu. But the doctor who did the autopsy could not list a manner of death.”

“He was running a fever and was sick for a week and was not taken to a doctor.””It also said he had bruises and other injuries from head to toe that were “strongly suggestive of non-accidental trauma.”

The “foster mother allegedly admitted to using “aggressive discipline” and biting the boy’s fingers and toes.” No one has been charged in this case.

7-week-old foster son. See here. From Bartleville, Oklahoma, this June 15, 2017 case involves a 7-week-old foster son who “sustained “blunt force trauma to the head.”

“The trauma reportedly caused a brain bleed, brain swelling and optic nerve damage. Investigators state in the affidavit that the swelling “leaked down the Victim’s spinal cord.””

Tracy Dawn Nelson was convicted of first degree murder on September 21, 2018. “Nelson had shoved socks in children’s mouths to muffle them and would pinch their throats to stop children’s crying.” A lifetime sentence has been recommended.

Khloe Williams. See here. From Clearwater, Florida, this August 2018 case involves 7-momth-old Khloe who “was killed by a dog while at a foster home in Clearwater over the weekend.” No one has been charged in this case.

Angel Fernandez.  See  here .From Providence, Rhode Island, this October 24, 2018 case involves 18-day-old infant Angel who died “after his last feeding while in the home of a foster parent”. No one has been charged.

Elijah and Adam Tuma. See here.From Edgewood, Texas,this November 2018 case involves 10-year-old Elijah Tuma and 14-year-old Adam Tuma who “died in a head-on crash in Van Zandt County.” The crash is still under investigation. It’s not yet clear if the teenage driver will face charges.”

L.C. See here. From Neola, Utah, this August 5, 2018 case involves 2-year-old foster son, L.C., who died “from injuries “consistent with child physical abuse,” that were “caused by inflicted blunt force trauma.”

“The child was found deceased, with multiple bruises on his face, court documents state. Medical examiners who looked at L.C.’s body found bruises and abrasions on his scalp, arms, face, head, abdomen, back and legs, as well as “significant internal injuries that resulted in his death.”

“The night before the child was found dead, Vanderlinden told investigators she’d had problems with his behavior during dinner, and grew “mad and frustrated” with the boy. The child also reportedly vomited multiple times that evening, so Vanderlinden had to bathe and change him multiple times.

While Vanderlinden was in the bathroom with L.C., a family member told investigators they heard a “loud bang,” after which the child wasn’t acting normal and would not walk.”

“”Lisa Jo Vanderlinden, 41, a licensed practical nurse who lives in Neola, was charged in 8th District Court with aggravated murder, a first-degree felony.””

18-Month-Old Foster Daughter. See here. From Jordan, Minnesota, this August 28, 2018 case involves 18-month-old foster daughter who was “not breathing.” She died on August 28 and the coroner found “retinal hemorrhaging on the baby’s eyes, which is common after a violent shaking. A head CT scan showed extensive subdural hemorrhaging and severe brain injury. And a physical exam found severe bruising on her buttocks, all indicating “severe child physical abuse.””

Foster parent Jason Betlach was charged with “second-degree homicide.”

5-Month-Old Foster Child. See here. From Fortney, Texas, this December 29, 2018 case involves a 5-Month-Old foster child who died. The Texas Rangers and Child Protective Services are assisting in the investigation.

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