South Carolina Couple Charged With Falsifying Overseas Adoption Documents UPDATED

By on 7-13-2019 in International Adoption, Philippines, South Carolina, Stephanie and Gerald Locker, USCIS

South Carolina Couple Charged With Falsifying Overseas Adoption Documents UPDATED

“The U.S. Department of Justice says a South Carolina couple tried to get around overseas adoption rules by telling immigration officials a baby they adopted in the Philippines was their biological child.

The State reports federal prosecutors indicted 24-year-old Stephanie Jean Locker and 46-year-old Gerald Vincent Locker Jr. on charges of conspiracy and making false statements in a passport application.

The two were living in Japan in 2014 while Gerald Locker served in the Marines. A Justice Department release accuses Stephanie Locker of saying she’d learned she was pregnant while on vacation in the Philippines, five days before the baby’s birth. Records allege the two tried to circumvent adoption processes by passing off the Filipino child as their biological baby.

Stephanie Locker reportedly presented falsified documents to obtain birth-abroad paperwork.”

SC couple accused of falsifying overseas adoption documents

[Washington Times 7/12/19 by AP]

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Update: “The Huger couple accused of falsifying overseas adoption documents is expected to appear in court Thursday morning.

The U.S. Department of Justice says Stephanie Jean Locker and Gerald Vincent Locker Jr. tried to get around overseas adoption rules by telling immigration officials a baby they adopted in the Philippines was their biological child.

The Associated Press previously reported the two were living in Japan in 2014 while Gerald Locker served in the Marines.

A Justice Department release accuses Stephanie Locker of saying she’d learned she was pregnant while on vacation in the Philippines in 2014, five days before the baby’s birth.

Records allege the two tried to circumvent adoption processes by passing off the Filipino child as their biological baby.

The couple is set to appear in a Charleston County courtroom at 9:45 Thursday morning.”

SC couple accused of falsifying overseas adoption documents to appear in court Thursday

[ABC News 4 7/25/19 by AP]

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