NCWO Malaysia States that Buying a Baby for Adoption IS Human Trafficking

By on 6-13-2012 in Adoption, Malaysia, Trafficking

NCWO Malaysia States that Buying a Baby for Adoption IS Human Trafficking

The legal definition of trafficking does not include buying a baby for the purposes of adoption. That is why this statement by the National Council of Women’s Organisations (NCWO)  is noteworthy. (This is the Malaysian organization of 114 groups of women not to be confused with NC of WO aka National Council of Women’s Organizations, the US nonprofit.)

The president of the NCWO, Datuk Faridah Khalid, made this statement at a state-level workshop on anti-trafficking. With cooperation of the Education Ministry, teachers are being trained to improve their knowledge of human trafficking.

Buying Baby for Adoption Part of Human Trafficking Offences-NCWO

[Bernama 6/11/12]

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