IDEA National Survey

By on 4-01-2011 in Education Reform, US

IDEA National Survey

Please take part in the IDEA National Survey, a survey of whether the rights of students with disabilities and their parents are protected. The survey is sponsored by the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD), National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS), Autism Society of America (ASA), Autism National Committee (AutCom), and The Advocacy Institute (AI). Go to

The survey topics include whether the rights of students with disabilities and their parents protected throughout the special education process, including IEP meetings and IEP issues, eligibility (child find), Due Process hearings (impartial hearings), and other education issues. There is also a questionnaire for parents whose children have been denied eligibility for IDEA (denied an IEP).

All disabilities are welcome! We are studying these issues for all students, regardless of their disability or special need. There are surveys for all community members:

— Parents of children with disabilities
— Self-advocates (people with disabilities)
— Attorneys, advocates, and other professionals

The survey will run March-May 2011. The results will be compiled into a report about experiences under the IDEA that will be published this summer.

You can take the survey and read more about it at

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