How Could You? Hall of Shame-James Rapp and Lawsuit UPDATED

By on 10-14-2020 in Abuse in foster care, Guy Platt, How could you? Hall of Shame, James Rapp, Lawsuits, Utah

How Could You? Hall of Shame-James Rapp and Lawsuit UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Salt Lake City, Utah, former priest, James Rapp, “currently in prison for sexually abusing students in Oklahoma and Michigan, faces new allegations of molesting a [foster] child while he was overseeing a Utah parish and adjoining school here in the 1970s.

In a lawsuit filed late Wednesday, a now 60-year-old man said he was repeatedly abused and threatened by church leader James Rapp while he was attending second grade at St. Ann Catholic School in Kearns. And, he said, the church knew about and “intentionally concealed” the assaults at the time.

“There was a cover-up,” said Eric Olson, the man’s attorney, “and that’s a big problem.”

Rapp has previously been sued for similar allegations at Judge Memorial Catholic High School in Salt Lake City. And he appeared on a list released by the diocese here in 2018 of priests “credibly accused” of sexual misconduct with minors. Despite that, formal charges have never been brought against him in Utah, and the earlier lawsuit was dismissed without a trial after a judge determined too much time had passed since the alleged abuse.

The new lawsuit asserts, though, that while Rapp can no longer be criminally charged here, the church can and still should be held liable for the assaults. And for that, a statute of limitations does not apply, Olson said.

A spokesperson for the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City declined to comment.

Guy Platt, a Salt Lake City resident, filed the suit this week after, he said, he had tried to forget about the alleged attacks for the past 40 years. The Salt Lake Tribune typically does not identify victims of sexual assault, but Platt agreed to the use of his name through his attorney.

Platt recounts being enrolled at St. Ann School in 1968, when he was 8 years old. He had previously gone to a public school for kindergarten and first grade but was expelled because of behavioral issues.

His foster parents, he said, hoped the Catholic school would be able to better attend to his special needs. Platt said he developed deficits after being physically and sexually assaulted in previous foster placements. Because of that, too, he believes the priest at St. Ann saw him as vulnerable and targeted him for abuse.

One day when he was in second grade, Platt recalled in the lawsuit, he was walking around the school alone. He bumped into a man near the front doors whom Platt said he previously had seen dropping students off. Platt assumed he was the father of one of his classmates.

The man introduced himself as Jim and asked Platt if he was cold; it was snowing outside. Platt said, “Yes.” The man then knelt down and wrapped Platt inside his coat in a hug. There, Platt said, the man touched him inappropriately for the first time.

There was additional abuse after that, Platt said in the lawsuit. And each time, he noted, Rapp told him not to tell anyone. At one point, the priest allegedly pulled out a knife. On another occasion, he allegedly slammed Platt against a wall until his face bled.

“Jim became angry and physically threatening to Guy,” the court documents claim.

During one of the assaults, Platt said, he was in Rapp’s office and a nun at the church walked in while the priest was molesting the boy. The sister, the lawsuit said, did not report the abuse. Instead, Platt said, she threatened to remove him from the care of his foster parents, who were adopting him, if he spoke about it.

Olson, Platt’s attorney, points to that as a major lapse by church officials. He said that shows that at least one other authority figure at the school knew about the assaults and did nothing to stop them.

“She knew and took an affirmative step to cover up,” Olson said. “That’s just as bad.”

The sister never told Platt’s parents what happened, the suit said.

Platt said he encountered Rapp twice outside of school, too. One of those times was at Sugar House Park, where he said the priest beat him so badly that he broke Platt’s jaw and the boy ended up in the hospital. On the second, Rapp allegedly picked him up, locked him in his car and assaulted him in City Creek Canyon.Pouting

The lawsuit said: “Guy did not report what happened out of fear of Jim and his threats.” After that, Platt said, he didn’t see Rapp again.

Church records show that the priest was transferred to other states, where he later attacked more young boys. Some of those cases were criminally prosecuted.

Platt notes in the lawsuit that he had tried to “suppress memories of Jim because he felt that this was the best way to deal with what happened,” and he never attempted to find out more about the priest. By accident, though, he did in 2019.

While searching for an old friend of his online, Platt found that two boys he knew had filed a lawsuit against Rapp.

Ralph and Charles Colosimo said they were also abused by the priest in the 1970s, according to the documents they submitted to the court in 2003 — shortly after the national sexual abuse scandal engulfed the U.S. Catholic Church a year earlier. Their case is believed to be the first filed in Utah.

Ralph Colosimo alleged Rapp had repeatedly abused him sexually when he was a student at Judge Memorial High School in the early 1970s; he said that he, too, had suppressed the assaults. Charles Colosimo, who is seven years younger, said Rapp had become a family friend when he was a student at St. Ann and abused him from 1972 through 1975, starting when he was 10 years old.

Their case was later tossed by a federal judge, though, who said too much time had passed since the assaults; that decision was upheld, as well, by the the state’s Supreme Court. And the priest never faced further questioning in Utah.

His name was publicized for the first time by the Salt Lake City Diocese, which oversees all Catholics in the state, in 2018 on a list of 19 members of the clergy who the church said likely abused children during their leadership. The diocese said it had accounts from at least four minors who said they had been sexually abused by Rapp between 1969 and 1975 (which wouldn’t have included Platt). But law enforcement didn’t find out, the church said, until 2002 and 2003, so no charges were filed here.

Rapp was defrocked in the early 2000s after he was found guilty of molesting a young boy in Oklahoma and sentenced to 40 years in prison. In 2016, Rapp was given another 20 years for similar assaults in the 1980s at a Michigan high school.

Olson, Platt’s attorney, believes that shows a pattern of abuse in the places where Rapp served in the faith’s leadership. And, he argues, the Catholic Church knew about it and moved the priest around when he began abusing boys in a parish.

“Justice was never done here in Utah to all of the things that Rapp did,” Olson added. “He’s in prison and paying for it. But what about the church? They had a part in this.”

Olson is now helping Platt sue for negligent employment. And they are asking for damages associated with the abuse — including lifelong depression and some alcoholism — to be determined at trial.

Olson said: “These are horrific stories, but they happened and people need to be ready to blow the whistle.””

New allegations surface about former Utah priest abusing 8-year-old boy

[Salt Lake City Tribune 10/9/2020 by Courtney Tanner]

REFORM Puzzle Piece

Update:“A foster child adopted by a Utah family at age 5, Platt had “significant behavior issues” and began attending Kearns-St. Ann Catholic School in the second grade in 1968 after being expelled from public school.

When he tried to take communion at the neighboring church even though he wasn’t Catholic, he was sent back to the school building, the suit says. He encountered a man there who he had previously seen drop off a fellow student, believing him to be the child’s father.

The man — dressed in plain clothes and without a white collar typical of priests — introduced himself as “Jim,” before kneeling down, hugging Platt and sexually assaulting him, the lawsuit states. When the young Platt resisted, the man became angry and “physically threatening.”

The lawsuit alleges it was the first of several similar, violent encounters wherein Rapp threatened to kill the boy if he told anyone. When a nun walked in and saw one assault, the suit says, the man shoved Platt away forcefully and into a wall, causing his face to bleed.

The sister was “shocked. She turned around and walked out,” according to the lawsuit.

Platt alleges the nun warned him she would have him sent back into the foster care system if he told anyone, the suit alleges, but he feared a return to the physical and sexual abuse he endured as a foster child.

Years later, as a runaway teenager hitchhiking on State Street in Salt Lake City, Platt says he realized a driver who picked him up was Rapp, but the priest didn’t appear to recognize him and ignored his requests to be dropped off.

“Jim explained to Guy that he was gay,” the suit alleges. “He drove Guy to City Creek Canyon under threat with a knife. Jim stopped the car and proceeded to sexually assault Guy again.”

Platt says it was the last time he saw Rapp.

Platt said he is coming forward publicly to remind people of the widespread damage sexual abuse can cause. Abusers often claim multiple victims, he said, traumatizing them in ways that lead many to take their own lives or fatally overdose.

“It’s got to be stopped,” Platt said.

Platt is now helping others with similar experiences. He’s a peer support specialist for those recovering from addiction and plans to pursue a coknox]llege degree so he can work as a counselor in that field.

He believes Rapp belongs in prison, but says he has forgiven the former priest.

“I hope that he has come in contact with the true God that he supposedly represented, and has been willing and able to make amends himself,” Platt said.”
Utah priest abuse lawsuit poses new challenge to time limits on old cases
[Deseret News 11/29/2020 by Annie

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