How Could You? Hall of Shame-UK-Patrick Gallagher

By on 5-25-2011 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Patrick Gallagher, UK

How Could You? Hall of Shame-UK-Patrick Gallagher

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Mansfield, UK, sixty-year-old foster parent Patrick Gallagher “admitted dozens of charges against 16 young victims.

At Nottingham Crown Court, he was given life, with at least 14 years in prison.

Police believe Gallagher, who was also a swimming coach and youth club volunteer, abused other children and have urged them to get in touch.”

“Gallagher admitted 55 charges including rape, indecent assault and sexual activity with a child.

The abuse happened between 1998 and 2010.”

“You abused young boys on an unprecedented scale. The damage you have done is incalculable.”

He told Gallagher he had taken advantage of the boys’ naivety, immaturity and vulnerability and had repeatedly raped some for his own sexual satisfaction.

The judge concluded: “These offences are so grave that I cannot contemplate any circumstances where the parole board are likely to release you. You shouldn’t be released. You should die in prison.””

“The police said they believed Gallagher, who also volunteered as a swimming coach and at a youth club, would have abused other children they were not yet aware of and have encouraged people who may have been assaulted by him to contact them.

Anthony May, corporate director for children’s services at Nottinghamshire County Council, described Gallagher as “a rogue foster carer, a man who was intent on doing harm.”

He said he had been de-registered as a foster carer in 2007 following an allegation of inappropriate behaviour and that the authority had commissioned a serious case review following the court case.

Mr May added that following Gallagher’s arrest in November 2010, all records relating to his fostering career and children he looked after had been independently reviewed.

He said: “There is no information on the files which revealed any significant practice short-comings or which indicate that the children and young people were left knowingly unsafe.” smiley icons

Foster carer Patrick Gallagher jailed for child sex abuse
[BBC 5/24/11]

“NOTTS County Council has pledged to carry out an in-depth review in to how one of its foster carers was able to abuse 16 boys over a 12-year period.

He and his wife Ann cared for children from 1982 to 2006, until he was suspended by the county council after he was caught watching pornography by a boy in his care.

He was then formally de-registered as a foster carer in 2007.

Gallagher was committing offences until November 2010, when one of his victims complained to police.

Anthony May, Corporate Director for Children, Families and Culture at Notts County Council, said a Serious Case Review into the offences had been launched but said it was too early to say whether the council was at fault. smiley icons

He said: “If the Serious Case Review finds that the council was at fault I will of course apologise unreservedly on behalf of the council.”

Asked if he would resign if the review finds anyone in a senior position was at fault, Mr May said: “That’s a bit hypothetical. We will have to see what the Serious Case Review turns up.”

“Nottingham Crown Court heard that Gallagher and his wife did not have children of their own. There is no suggestion she was aware of what happened.

Dawn Pritchard, prosecuting, said the offences became more frequent as time went on. Even Balraj Bhatia, defending Gallagher, described his offending as “a campaign of abuse” which lasted well over a decade.

But in mitigation, he said Gallagher was genuinely remorseful, and had pleaded guilty so that his victims would not have to give evidence in court.

Mr Bhatia said: “He is thankful that his wife, who passed away in November of last year, has not had to bare witness to his shame and his downfall.”

“Judge Stokes said Gallagher must serve a minimum of 28 years before he can apply for parole.”
County council pledge to launch in-depth review in to paedophile foster carer
[This is Nottingham 5/25/11 by Catherine Lowbridge]

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