Action Alert: National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS)

By on 6-06-2011 in Adoption, FAS, Health Reform

Action Alert: National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS)
Action Alert
From the
National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS)
May 27, 2011
Subject: The submission of comments regarding the consideration of the inclusion of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), or other related terminology recognizing and describing the clinical description of the neurodevelopmental and behavioral manifestations of prenatal alcohol exposure, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Issue: The DSM, published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), is currently being revised. The revision process officially began in 2006 with the appointment of the DSM-5 Task Force, and the process is to be completed with the publication of DSM-5 in May 2013. The DSM-5 Task Force consists of six Study Groups and thirteen Work Groups formulating proposed draft criteria. The Task Force is currently accepting comments, through June 15, 2011, on the proposed content and organization of the revised volume.
Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page on the APA website for more information on the DSM, how it is used, and the DSM-5 revision process.
The Substance-Related Disorders Work Group is considering the inclusion of an FASD-related category or entry. Unlike other proposed sections, a draft of the proposed language for an FASD-related entry has not yet been published on the DSM-5 website.
Requested Action: By June 15, 2011, visit the APA website and submit a comment providing your rationale for the inclusion of FASD, or related terminology, in DSM-5. Ask your associates and FASD advocates to also submit a comment. Please submit your comment directly to the APA, however if you are unable to do so, you may submit your comment to NOFAS. NOFAS will compile the comments it receives and forward them to the APA.
How to Submit a Comment:
2) Register on the website by clicking on New User? Register Now at the upper right of the page just below the word “Participate” under the page header.
3) From the Register to Make Comments page complete the required fields.
4) You will receive a temporary password from the email address
5) Return to the APA’s DSM-5 website and log in using your new user name and the temporary password received in the email.

6) Scroll to the bottom of the page.

7) Click on Substance Use and Addictive Disorders.

8) Click on Major Neurocognitive Disorder Associated with Substance Use, or other relevant category.

9) Type or paste, and submit your comment.

10) Since draft criteria for FASD has not yet been proposed in any specific section it is also appropriate to leave a comment on the Overall Comments page. You may also make an FASD-related comment in other appropriate sections both under the Substance Use and Addictive Disorders heading and other headings such as Neurodevelopmental Disorders or Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders. If submitting multiple comments, please do not cut and paste the same comment but rather provide an original comment for each submission.

Content of Comment: Although, draft language for describing the clinical developmental and behavioral manifestations of prenatal alcohol exposure has not been posted precluding direct comments on the proposed classification of the disorder, you may comment on the justification for inclusion.
Your comment should consist of your personal experiences with the neurodevelopmental and behavioral characteristics of the disorder, either as a person with FASD, parent or family member, caregiver, clinician, therapist, or advocate. Comments may include a personal story portraying a person with FASD, the inability to obtain a diagnosis or services, or other consequence due to the current omission of FASD from the DSM. Any story or rationale concluding that FASD should be included is appropriate and will encourage further consideration by the Task Force.
NOFAS Position: NOFAS commends the DSM-5 Task Force and its Work Groups for considering inclusion of FASD, or other related terminology recognizing and describing the clinical description of the neurodevelopmental and behavioral manifestations of prenatal alcohol exposure, in DSM-5. NOFAS believes inclusion is scientifically justified and appropriate and will improve the identification and treatment of alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as increase the recognition and acceptance of the disorder. NOFAS strongly urges FASD advocates to submit a comment to the APA and to also ask your colleagues and constituents to submit comments as well.
For more information contact Brianna Montgomery or visit NOFAS.
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