How Could You? Hall of Shame-Everlyse Cabrera case-Missing Child UPDATED

By on 6-13-2011 in Abuse in foster care, Everlyse Cabrera, How could you? Hall of Shame, Manuel Carrascal, Nevada, Vhee Carrascal

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Everlyse Cabrera case-Missing Child UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From North Las Vegas, Nevada, “Everlyse Cabrera was just 2 years old when she disappeared from that home near Clayton and Centennial Parkway. If still alive today, she would be 7.

For weeks in June of 2006, Cabrera’s biological parents cried and plead for answers. Dozens of neighbors joined police to knock on doors and search the neighborhood.

“For any detectives who were out on this case, this case is still at the very forefront of our minds all the time,” says Officer Chrissie Coon of the North Las Vegas Police Department.
The foster family has since moved away from this North Las Vegas home, but Everlyse’s biological mom tells Action News that she still believes they know something.”
“Those foster parents, the Carrascals, were heavily criticized at the time Cabrera went missing for not being more cooperative with police.
Neighbors protested in front of the home and things got so heated, the Carrascals filed a restraining order against their neighbors.
“They were investigated pretty heavily at the forefront,” says Officer Coon.
But no hard evidence could be found to link them to Cabrera’s disappearance.
Since then, the case has run cold. Police say they haven’t had a new lead in about a year.”

“Cabrera’s family sued the Clark County foster system for failing to keep their daughter safe and the case was settled out of court.

As part of that deal, there remains a $15,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest in this cold case.”

5 years later: foster child still missing, case runs cold
[KTNV 6/11/11]

Previous Stories

“A private investigator and police say a search of the yard and house where a foster family used to live turned up no new evidence in the disappearance of 2-year-old Everlyse Cabrera three years ago.

Officials used cadaver dogs and ground penetrating radar to search the property in North Las Vegas.
They say they still hope someone involved in the disappearance will come forward with new information.”

Investigators perform another search in Everlyse Cabrera case
[KMTV 6/10/09]

The Charley Project Case File states that the full names of the foster parents are Vhee and Manuel Carrascal. Clark County settled out of court for $300,000, the maximum allowed by the insurance policy and releases the Carrascals from further civil suits.

This YouTube video states that

  • Everlyse was last seen at 1 AM and found missing at 8 AM, but police were not contacted until Noon on June 10, 2006.
  • May 15, 2006 was the last time anyone that lived outside the Carrascal home saw Everlyse.
  • The Carrascals had an adult son living in the home that was never background-checked.
  • The Carrascals pleaded the Fifth Amendment when questioned by the biological parents’ attorney.
  • When the biological parents last saw her on May 15, 2006, Everlyse had an unexplained burn on her hand.
  • A previous foster child of the Carrascals suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns and had to wait 8 hours before being taken to the hospital by the Carrascals.
  • The Carrascals demanded immediate removal of some other foster children, failed some foster parent training, yet had their license renewed 2 months prior to receiving Everlyse in their home.

If anyone has further information about this case, contact West Columbia Police Department at 803-794-0721.

REFORM Puzzle Pieces

Update: “It has been seven years since then-2-year-old Everlyse Cabrera went missing from her North Las Vegas home.

The circumstances surrounding this child’s disappearance remain unclear.

Everlyse went missing June 10, 2006, from the home where she and her younger brother were living with foster parents, Vhee and Manuel Carrascal.

The couple told police they last saw the toddler at 1 a.m., sleeping in her bed, and when they went back in at 8 a.m., she was gone.

They told police Everylyse must have somehow gotten out, theorizing that she stood on a chair, unlocked the front door and walked out of the home.

Police say the couple stopped cooperating early into the investigation. They have remained the focus of the investigation but have never been named suspects.

Everlyse’s biological parents, a couple from California who still had contact with the girl, sued the Carrascals and Clark County Department of Family Services in 2006, claiming negligence in supervising the child. It was settled for $300,000, which was the maximum payout on the insurance policy for the foster parents by Clark County.

The agreement released the Carrascals from any future civil liability, and they have since kept quiet about the incident. ”

Disappearance of 2-year-old from foster home hits 7 years

[News 3 6/10/13 by Michelle Velez]

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