How Could You? Hall of Shame-Poland-Anna & Wieslaw Cz-Child Deaths UPDATED

By on 9-19-2012 in Abuse in foster care, Anna & Wieslaw Cz, How could you? Hall of Shame, Poland

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Poland-Anna & Wieslaw Cz-Child Deaths UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Warsaw, Poland, new foster parents Anna and Wieslaw Cz were arrested for killing TWO of their five foster children! The first one died in July and the other ones were NOT removed. The second child died last week.

“An official says a Polish couple accused of killing two children in their foster home have been arrested.

Regional prosecutor Piotr Styczewski says the husband and wife confessed during initial questioning to killing the two children, but the investigation has just begun.

The suspects, identified only as 32-year-old Anna Cz, and 36-year-old Wieslaw Cz, were taken into custody Wednesday on a court order saying they must be kept under guard for three months.

At the foster home in the town of Puck, a 3-year-old boy died of injuries in July and his 5-year-old sister died of injuries last week. The second death led to a detailed police investigation and the detention of the couple.

The man and woman have operated the foster home for five children since January.”

2 Poles arrested after death of 2 foster children

[Huffington Post 9/19/12 by The Associated Press]

REFORM Puzzle Pieces

Update:”At least until 30 April 2014 behind bars will be Anna and Wieslaw Vol., Foster parents with the puck, accused of causing the death of two young children whom I cared. Loud process of marriage coming to an end

Judge Sebastian Brzozowski, the presiding judge, who decides on Vol., Prolonging arrest the accused insisted that “the evidence gathered during the investigation and carried out in a manner sufficient evidence adds weight to the perpetration of the accused in respect of alleged acts.” – It should be noted primarily for forensic medical opinions obtained during the procedure, as well as the testimony of the witnesses heard, and in part the defendants themselves – argued the judge Brzozowski.

In the hall on Tuesday – despite a court summons – again not appeared Danuta E., grandmother biological children they cared for marriage Vol. The court fined her disciplinary penalty in the amount of 700 zł. Mec. Boris Laskowski, lawyer Anna Vol. told reporters that in March you can expect the final say. Investigators accuse Annie and Wieslaw Vol. fatal beating of 3-year-old boy. Marriage at the beginning explained that the boy fell down the stairs. Annie Vol. investigators put the claim murder of 5-year-olds (Part explained that the girl was choked with water), 3-year-old sister. For events occurred respectively 3 July and 12 September 2012, Vol. were arrested after the girl’s death. The decision to extend the detention marriage Vol. is invalid. ”

Case foster family with the puck. Anna and Wieslaw Vol. longer in custody. The process of nearing the end

[Google-translated Polska 2/4/14 by Simon Chaffinch]


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