How Could You? Hall of Shame-Judge James Payne UPDATED

By on 9-24-2012 in Abuse in foster care, How could you? Hall of Shame, Indiana, Judge James Payne

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Judge James Payne UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Indianapolis, Indiana,  Department of Child  Services director Judge James Payne is under investigation for allegedly abusing his authority in his son’s custody case. In 2010, DCS took custody of his grandchildren during a nasty divorce custody battle between his son and daughter-in-law.

“Payne helped his son’s lawyer draft a legal brief critical of his own agency’s work when DCS decided to give the children back to their mother, the newspaper reported. During a time when Payne was given custody of the children, he received transportation assistance from the agency despite earning more than $130,000 and having a state-issued vehicle.

The Code of Conduct that Payne instituted at DCS also forbids employees and top officials from “personal and private interests” such as intervening in a case involving relatives, the Star reported.”

“DCS released an email from Chief of Staff John Ryan Sunday in which he summarized how the agency approached the sensitive case by saying “we were crystal clear that we had to approach this situation in a manner that definitively separated Judge Payne’s professional role from that of his personal role as a grandfather.”

The agency made phone calls to Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois to ask if any of their child-protective agencies could take the case. No one could do so but Illinois recommended two retired, but licensed Illinois case workers to handle the case. DCS hired one of them to take over the case from June 2010 to May 2011.

DCS also released written answers that Payne provided the Star in which he said, “It was difficult to see our children and grandchildren go through this matter, and it is nothing short of despicable for The Indianapolis Star to profit from their difficulties. We have not seen our grandchildren since Christmas due to a custody case. So, to even imply that I had any professional influence on this case is preposterous.”

Daniels appointed Payne – a Marion County juvenile court judge – in 2005 to reform Indiana’s long-troubled child welfare system. After years of being the face of the agency, Payne in recent months has avoided the spotlight. He delivered good news about a drop in annual abuse and neglect deaths in February but since then has allowed Ryan to take the lead.

Ryan, for instance, announced additional child protection spending in June, accepted criticism of DCS’ flawed hotline in August and announced a new plan this month to aid mentally ill children.”

Child welfare chief’s ethics questioned

[Fort Wayne Journal Gazette 9/23/12 by Niki Kelly]

Judge Payne resigned Monday September 24, 2012 just before 1 PM EST.

Governor Mitch Daniels announced Monday that he accepted Payne’s resignation.

“It is clear that the story of my family’s person circumstances will continue to be public and that there is no concern by those about the impact this will have especially on my grandchildren,” Payne wrote in his letter to Daniels. “Therefore, in fairness to my family and to all my fellow co-workers at DCS, I resign effective today.”

“Governor Daniels has asked DCS Chief of Staff John Ryan to serve as director of the department. Ryan accepted the responsibilities, effective immediately.”

Embattled DCS chief resigns over ethics questions

[FOX 59 9/24/12]

“Democrats had been calling for Payne to recuse himself from his duties while the inspector general investigated the complaint. Sens. Vanessa Summer (D-Indianapolis), Tim Lanane (D-Anderson) and State Rep. Ed DeLaney (D-Indianapolis) were there when news arrived of Payne’s decision to step down, and they applauded it. They are still calling for the inspector general to complete an investigation to determine whether or not any wrongdoing occurred.”

“DCS says the ordeal started in May 2011, when a call came into the agency’s hotline from law enforcement. The unidentified caller said children were left alone while their mother had taken a trip out of state. DCS says neither police nor the case worker who responded knew the children were Judge Payne’s grandchildren.

After authorities contacted the mother, who is Payne’s estranged daughter-in-law, DCS says the mother asked that the children be placed with Payne and his wife Terrie.

Placing children with stable relatives is a common practice with the agency. In this case, the Payne’s grandchildren had lived with them for a two-year period some time prior to the incident.

DCS says once it became clear that the case would require on-going court intervention, the agency asked child-protective agencies from Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois to take the case. None of them would. That’s when Illinois officials recommended two retired, licensed Illinois caseworkers for the job.

As part of the child services process, the Paynes confirm they were involved in counseling meetings involving the children. DCS refused to provide any other specifics and would not provide anyone to speak with us on camera.”

Judge Jim Payne steps down as DCS director

[WTHR 9/24/12 by Sandra Chapman]

REFORM Puzzle Piece

Update: “The IndyStar investigation, detailed in Sunday’s newspaper, stated Payne was involved in helping his son fight DCS, even drafting a legal brief criticizing the agency. The article stated Payne’s grandchildren were given transportation, which is not available to every family. DCS said Payne’s grandchildren were eventually returned to their mother. DCS added before 2010, his grandchildren lived with the Paynes for about two years.
Also during this time, DCS spoke with Fox59 about an investigation, which looked into an accusation Payne hit his grandchild. DCS said the Illinois family caseworker thoroughly investigated it. Ryan said he reviewed the case. He said it was not substantiated. ”

DCS director resigns amid allegations concerning his son’s custody battle

[FOX 59 9/24/12 by Marisela Burgos]

“The Indianapolis Star story questioned Payne’s involvement in a case stemming from a 2009 divorce filing by Heather Payne against John Payne, the director’s son, 10 days after her husband was arrested for drunken driving. Heather Payne sought and received a protective order and custody of their four children, including two fathered by John Payne.

John Payne alleged that Heather Payne often left the children on their own for hours, and said the oldest, a 13-year-old, was responsible for watching the others.

The children were removed from their mother’s custody in 2010, after DCS was notified that the children had been left alone while their mother traveled to Ohio. A DCS case worker took the children into protective custody and placed them with Payne and his wife.

While the children were in the Paynes’ care, James Payne was the target of an investigation into whether he slapped one of his grandchildren. He was investigated and cleared by his own agency, The Star reported.

He wrote to The Star of the slapping allegation: “It never happened, never would, and the allegations were unsubstantiated by an out-of-state case manager.”

In November 2010, DCS returned the children to Heather Payne, and a Hamilton County judge approved the move. That pitted DCS staff against the director and led to his involvement in helping write a legal brief that included a stinging attack on the agency, The Star reported, citing documents it reviewed.

James Payne never stepped aside from his leadership role with the agency while involved in his grandchildren’s case. He never notified Daniels of his involvement in the case or that he, at one point, was the target of an investigation, the newspaper reported.”

Indiana Child Welfare Head Resigns after ethics issue surfaces

[Chicago Tribune 9/24/12 by Associated Press]

The part about the Judge’s salary of $130,000 being pertinent is that one has to have a low income to qualify for the type of transportation services that he was afforded for visitation. The following document is the order in which he obtained the transportation

This article Indiana child welfare head’s ethics questioned [Journal Courier Online 9/23/12, only visible with paid subscription] explains that “less than two months after the divorce  filing” Judge Payne filed for visitation rights with his grandchildren. That was denied by the Hamilton County judge because there are no grandparents rights in Indiana.

“The fight grew more contentious in early  March 2010, when Heather Payne’s attorney filed a notice that she  intended to move with the children back to North Carolina.

Records obtained by The Star reveal it was around that time that a private investigator began keeping tabs on her. It is unclear whether her husband — who was now living with his parents and just months earlier had qualified financially for a public defender in his drunken driving case — was paying for the investigator or someone else was.”

“The next month, a motion filed by John Payne’s attorney asked  the court to remove the children and place them with their  grandparents. The brief alleged their mother “continually left the  children alone” and did not return “until anywhere from 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. or later.” During those absences, the motion said, she left  her oldest child to care for the younger children.”

The legal brief also alleged that  Heather Payne, who declined to be interviewed for this story, was  working as a stripper.

The judge set a telephone conference with  the attorneys representing the couple for May 20, 2010.

But the night before that conference  call, the children were removed from  their mother and placed with their grandparents — not by the  divorce court, but by the agency run by Payne.

Someone called DCS and Noblesville police  around 10 p.m. on May 19, 2010, making the same allegation against  Heather Payne that was central to John Payne’s divorce case  petition seeking to have the children placed with his parents.

The caller, who is not named in records  examined by The Star, reported that Heather Payne left the  children — who ranged in age from 5 to 13 — home alone and was headed to Ohio.”

His daughter-in-law contended that the private investigaor called DCS on her and that her car had a GPS tracking device placed on it. The night that DCS took the children away, she returned at 1:20 AM and the children were placed with Judge Payne and his wife.

The retired Illinois social worker who was then put in charge of the hitting/slapping investigation was being overseen by the Deputy Attorney General, who did not know specifics of DCS investigations and his chain of command included  Judge Payne. Additionally, it is stated that Governor Daniels was not aware of any of this, which may explain why the uh…”resignation” occurred so abruptly after the Star reported its findings.

Indiana has no law about casual babysitting and licensing is only required if there are 6 or more children, but many places do offer Safe Sitter courses for 11- to 13-year olds. The allegation that started the DCS removal to begin with is suspect with both timing and “home alone” claim of the 13 year old babysitting his siblings aged 5 and older.


  1. Half of the contents in these articles are inaccurate. My children never lived with the Paynes for 2 years prior to 2010. We all, as a family unit, lived together due to John’s inability/unwillingness to provide for our family. Also, the investigation against James Payne for slapping my son was laughable, at best…more accurately criminal. They also lumped investigating John’s abuse of my children with the same “investigation” of Jim abusing my kids. There are years of history here and all their allegations against me are false. They were never able to prove not even one of them in court. However, with the “buddy system” that woks in place of a judicial system in Indiana…due to who my ex-father-in-law is…my children and I have never once gotten a fair order from any judge…and John Payne has NEVER been held accountable for any of the horrible things he’s done.

    • You have NEVER been held accountable for the horrible things you have done to your own children. I wonder why you don’t have custody of them anymore? Oh waittttt there was a sexual assault case that occurred that you lost. If I do recall. Stop your bs and accept that you are and will always be an insane cold hearted female.

      • I notice Heather posted under her own name because she was posting the truth. I’m certain she has long since forgotten this forum. I’m just finding it because I was Google searching her. I was around for these heinous wrongs done against HEATHER by the PAYNE family and those associated with them. She NEVER lost a “sexual assault case”. In fact, the false allegations the Paynes concocted of sexual abuse were not only unsubstantiated by the law enforcement and child welfare offices who investigated them in Ohio, where they allegedly occurred., but Mr. Ayash was never even charged with it because the allegations were so obviously false. I can only assume the person making these comments is the drug addict John Payne had an affair with and finally married after she begged him to for years and mothered 2 bastard children for him. How pathetic a life you must lead.

    • I’m not your son. You may have given birth to me, but I’d take any other mother in the world over you because you’re an absolute spineless, brainless, and manipulative bastard child.

  2. I think it’s hilarious that all of the crimes that you say that John and James Payne have committed was actually you. You abused your children. You and others in the Ayash household sexually abused them, You neglected them. You let beyond horrendous things happen to them. Your children are not mentally okay because of you. You took advantage of the love your children had for you and told them awful lies about the Payne family and the children told them to case workers and therapists. You are evil incarnated. You could of been imprisoned many many times but John didn’t let that happen because you were the mother of his children. You in-fact were a stripper, that’s how you met John Payne in the first place. The only reason that you went on to have more kids with him was because you tracked him down and lied to him claiming that Caitlin was his but she in-fact was not. I could go on and on about the awful crimes you have committed, but you don’t deserve my time. I wrote this because I didn’t want the people to believe the awful lies you were telling them. John and James Payne are two loving and amazing people and I hope you all can see that. One day Heather will get what she deserves.

    • John, James and Diann Payne are total scum of the Earth and its odd you are claiming Heather as the culprit of the crimes you three committed. In reality, it was you 3 who planted lies in the children’s heads and forced them to lie to authorities. It was you three who constantly made unsubstantiated, false allegations that you never proved true and were never held accountable for because of James’ connections. It is you three who karma will visit and who have a special area of hell awaiting you upon your deaths. John was a drug addicted, abusive alcoholic. The only person in his household who went to jail was him for DUIs. It must be nice to live with such grand delusions. I’m aware of what the court ordered psych evaluations said. It doesn’t sound like you are. Heather testified that she met John in a strip club, where she was working, and he was a regular. She testified how he pursued her. It is he who refused to grant her a divorce when she demanded one for years. It is he who has a conviction for assaulting his first wife. Heather didn’t write the article exposing James and John Payne for the monsters they are. CPS fully investigated her, on multiple occasions, and found HER NOT JOHN to be the fit and proper parent. You people finally found a way to manipulate the system and destroyed her children’s lives in the process. Congratulations! Make no mistake that if anyone is to blame for the poor mental welfare of the Payne children, it is the PAYNES.

      • It was you who didn’t realize and will never realize the false things you’re saying were never true and they never will be. The fact that you think you know the Payne’s like I do is sickening. Diann Payne had nothing to do with any of it. Heather was the terrible parent. What she did to them was completely and utterly slineless. Know your place.

    • They’ll always believe them because they’re believing lies made up about my family and assuming stuff they don’t know. They don’t know the truth. They don’t need to.

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