89 Kidnapped Infants in China Not Allowed to Live with "Adoptive" Parents

By on 7-28-2011 in China, DNA Uses in Adoption, Trafficking, Vietnam

89 Kidnapped Infants in China Not Allowed to Live with "Adoptive" Parents

Eighty-one Chinese children and eight Vietnamese children rescued from two child trafficking-for-adoption rings in South China will be temporarily placed into Civil Affairs Department care while authorities attempt to locate their parents. They will use DNA tests to confirm. It appears that most were healthy baby girls purchased by Chinese parents. This serves as more evidence to combat the one-child-policy reason for children being in orphanages, that Chinese parents don’t want baby girls or that they don’t adopt or that trafficking for adoption occured long ago in a few isolated cases in one region only. The coordinated raids on child traffickers will continue until September 15, 2011 according to the article.

“Chen said the Vietnamese infants have had health checks and Chinese police were cooperating with Vietnamese authorities to locate their birth parents as soon as possible.

According to the Chinese Criminal Law, if the buyers have not mistreated the children or obstructed the police rescue operation, they will not be held criminally responsible.

Earlier this month, police rescued 89 infants kidnapped for sale and arrested 369 people linked to two human trafficking rings.

In the first case, the traffickers, who were mostly Vietnamese residents, abducted eight children from Vietnam and sold them in Guangdong and Guangxi, said Liu Ancheng, deputy director of the criminal investigation bureau under the ministry.

The gang ringleaders – called “A Zhang” and “A Lan” – lived in Jieyang city, Guangdong, and used mobile phones to direct gang members in Vietnam.

The suspects in Vietnam abducted the infants there, and illegally transported them on bamboorafts across the Beilun River and over the border, he said.

They then rode bicycles through fields to bypass border checkpoints before arriving at Dongxing and Fangchenggang, in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, from where they took long-distance buses to Nanning, the capital of Guangxi.

From Nanning, they took the children to Shanwei and Jieyang in Guangdong to sell them, with prices ranging from several thousands to tens of thousands of yuan for each child, Liu said.

In the other case, police in 14 provinces and autonomous regions cracked a giant cross-region trafficking group of 330 offenders on July 20, the ministry said.

In this case 81 infants were rescued, aged from 10 days to just 4 months.

The Criminal Law says abducted children whose parents cannot be found will not be available for adoption due to the lack of identification. This means they will live in welfare institutions,which are not conducive to the healthy development of children.

“We are negotiating with civil affairs departments to improve the laws to allow unidentified children to be adopted,” Chen Shiqu said.

Possible Adoption if Parents Can’t be Located

Ji Gang, director of the domestic adoption department under the Chinese Welfare and Adoption Center, confirmed that the ministry is discussing “conditional adoption” with the civil affairs department.

This would allow adoption of abducted children, whose parents cannot be found, within a specified time, Ji said.

[China Daily 7/28/11 by Zhang Yan]

“Police detained 39 suspects in the action, which was launched by more than 300 officers from Guangdong and Guangxi at 2 pm on July 15.

All the victims have now been taken to local hospitals and health centers for further medical observation.
Police immediately set up a special task force in February after they learned that many children had been trafficked to Dongxing city in Guangxi.
The case quickly raised great concern among the central and local governments. After months of investigation, the joint action was launched.
According to sources from the Guangdong provincial department of public security, police from China and Vietnam have launched joint efforts to fight cross-border crime involving the abduction and trafficking of children. The special campaign will last until Sept 15.
In the other case, police authorities in 14 provinces and autonomous regions dispatched some 2,600 officers to crack down on a giant cross-region trafficking group of 330 offenders on July 20, the Ministry of Public Security revealed on Tuesday.
A total of 81 infants were rescued in this case. Most of the children were baby girls, aged from 10 days to just 4 months. They are now being cared for in institutions.
Police in Henan province also discovered clues in the cross-region trafficking case earlier this year and with the cooperation of the Ministry of Public Security, the joint action was launched on July 20.
Since April 2009, national police have uncovered 39,194 cases involving the trafficking of people, 14,090 of which involved abducted women and 8,717 involved children.
Meanwhile, police have broken 4,885 criminal gangs, detained 33,831 suspects and rescued 14,613 trafficked children and 24,826 women.”

Police crack huge human trafficking operations
[China Daily 7/27/11]

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