REFORM Talk’s Forgotten Angels 2020

By on 12-31-2020 in Forgotten Angels

REFORM Talk’s Forgotten Angels 2020

In 2020,we honor US adopted children that are missing; missing and presumed dead; and/or related to the out-of-original family placements and surrogacy industry that are otherwise forgotten since December 2019 and years earlier that we have discovered.

This post includes all child deaths and children missing from US foster care or adoptions and adult adoptee deaths as well as those otherwise forgotten that we could find.

Missing and Presumed Dead

Kaya Centeno. See here. From Rohnert Park, California, this 2010 case of adoptee Kaya, 8, “went missing” 10 years ago. Her adoptive parents were arrested for abuse and sexual abuse of her siblings.

Still Missing

The 400 children presumably disrupted from Russia. See here.

Still Missing and Presumed Dead

In 2011, it was brought to light that two adoptees from the same family were missing: Austin and Edward Dylan Bryant. See the case  here.

A child nicknamed Moo, foster child of Judith Leekin . See the case here.

Rilya Wilson, 4, went missing in December 2000. In 2011, her foster mother was ordered to trial. It was delayed until end of 2012. Geralyn Graham was sentenced to 55 years in 2013 though they haven’t found Rilya’s body. See  here.

Jhessye Shockley. See here. Jhessye’s mother, Jerice Hunter, had been convicted of child abuse and served 4 years in a California prison. After being released in 2010,  Arizona CPS allowed Jerice to take custody of Jhessye from Shirley. On a day in October 2011 when Shirley Johnson was in Maricopa County Superior Court for a custody hearing, Jerice reported Jhessye  as missing. Jhessye’s body has never been found.

Hasanni Campbell. See here. From Fremont, California, disabled foster child Hasanni Campbell, who was five when he disappeared on  August 10, 2009. His foster mother was his aunt.His foster father, Louis Ross, told police he parked in a Rockridge neighborhood, taking his daughter into a shoe store while leaving Hasanni, who wore leg braces due to cerebral palsy, inside the car. When he returned, Hasanni was gone.


Daequan Wimberly. See here. From Miami, Florida, this June 30, 2020 case involves Daequan, 11, died from COVID-19 after suffering from kidney failure.

Gigi Morse. See here. From Madison County, Tennessee, this case involves August 4, 2020 case of Ukrainian adoptee, Gigi,6. She died from Covid-19.

International Adult Adoptees

Amani Kildea. See here. From Long Valley, New Jersey, this June 28, 2020 case involves Ethiopian adoptee, Amani, 20, who killed himself.

Leah Ottman. See here. From Minneapolis, Minnesota, this case involves Korean Adoptee, Leah, who died on December 2, 2020 at age 33. There is an investigation into this death.

Child Deaths-International Adoption

Gabe Deely. See here. From Chicago, Illinois, 12-year-old Ethiopian adoptee Gabe Deely killed himself on November 14, 2018.

Child Deaths-Adoption

Ana Loera (Charisma Marquez). See here. From Phoenix, Arizona, this 2017 case involves an Ana Loera, 13, who was found on January 20, 2020 as “bones appeared to be that of a human, juvenile subject” after her adoptive father tried to burn down the house. Her adoptive parents Rafael and Maribel Loera were arrested and will go to trial on 4/27/21.

Aundria Michelle Bowman. See here. From Hopkins, Michigan, this 1989 case involves Aundria, 14, who died before March 11, 1989. Her “skeletal remains [were found] underneath cement in what deputies called a “shallow grave” at [adoptive father’s] Dennis Bowman’s home.” “”Prior to her disappearance she accused Bowman of sexually abusing her. She was listed as a runaway for many years following her disappearance.””Bowman faces charges of open murder, felony murder, first degree child abuse and mutilation of a body. If convicted, he faces life in prison.

Sophie Heather Gray and Jonathan Gray. See here. From Ten Mile, Tennessee, this 2017 case involves Sophie,11?, who died after experiencing being”locked in the basement early that year as punishment for “stealing” food, according to arrest warrants. She was given only bread and water, and she died within a few months. The [adoptive parents] Grays [Michael and Shirley] kept her body in a cardboard box until a grave could be dug.” Also, “another child was found dead at the couple’s current home in Roane County on May 22 [2020].A young girl, 13-year-old Sophie Heather Gray, was found buried behind a home in Roane County where the parents, Michael and Shirley Gray, lived with their four adopted children. A young boy, Jonathan Gray, was found buried behind a home in Knox County’s Halls neighborhood.” “Michael Gray Sr., 63, and Shirley Gray, 60, pleaded not guilty Monday in Roane County to the murder charge and dozens of other crimes, including abuse.” “It appears they will be tried first in the Roane County case, lawyers said. Dec. 18 is their next court appearance in Roane County.” “The family next is due to appear before [Knox County Judge] Green on Feb. 4.[2021]”

Joshua JJ Vallow. See here. From Idaho, this September 22, 2019 case involves Joshua, 7, who died after being found on his adoptive mother’s property ” wrapped in plastic. He was wrapped in duct tape. There was a white plastic bag over his head.”Lori Vallow, his adoptive mother was arrested. Her trial is on Jan. 25-29, 2021.

Josie Ann Abney. See here. From Salem, Missouri, this October 3, 2020 case involves Josie Ann, 10, who died of unknown circumstances. “”A deputy coroner for Dent County later told investigators the girl weighed just under 40 pounds, counting the weight of the body bag holding her remains, a blanket and the medical equipment that remained attached after doctors’ fruitless attempts to save the girl’s life. A child Josie’s age should weigh close to twice that amount.” “The probable cause affidavit in the case states that deputies who went to the Abney home found that Josie looked almost skeletal. She had bruises on both of her temples, on her chest, arms and hands, and she had a wound on the bridge of her nose.””The girl’s bedroom door locked from the outside and there was an alarm on the top of the door, the newspaper reported. Inside the room was a single mattress, a lamp and a clothes basket.

There was also a child lock on the Abneys’ refrigerator.” Adoptive parents “Randall Lee Abney, 51, and Susan Abney, 44, “have each been charged with abuse or neglect of a child resulting in death, according to court records. ”

Child Deaths-Group-Respite Home/RTC/Hospital/Juvenile Justice Facility/CPS office/Guardian

KC. See here. From Austin, Texas, this February 9, 2020 case involves KC, a 14-year-old residential care resident who died from a pulmonary embolism. “In 2017, Prairie Harbor was twice cited for failing to provide prompt medical care to foster children.” No arrests have been made.

Texas cut ties with Prairie Harbor on September 3, 2020.

Cornelius Fredricks. See here. From Kalamazoo, Michigan, this case involves Cornelius, 16, who died “after he was restrained by staff for throwing a sandwich, police said.” A nurse who oversaw the restraint, Heather McLogan, and the two people who restrained him, Michael Mosley and Zachary Solis are “facing involuntary manslaughter and child abuse charges.” They will head to trial in Michigan in 2021.

Ethan Hauschultz. See  here. From Manitowac County, Wisconsin, this 2018 case involves Ethan, 7, who died after being “hit, kicked, poked, repeatedly shoved to the ground, and a heavy log was rolled across his chest by Damian Hauschultz, who was 14 at the time. The older boy “stood on (Ethan’s) body and head while Ethan was face-down in a puddle. He ultimately buried Ethan completely in snow.” Ethan died from hypothermia and blunt force injuries to his head, chest and abdomen. Timothy and Tina are Ethan’s guardians. Damian is his brother. Timothy will have a hearing on 2/19/21. Tina will have a status hearing on 1/8/21. Damian will have a scheduling conference on 12/17/2020.

Kirsta. See here. From West Jordan, Utah, this November 15, 2019 case involves residential center resident Bermudian Kirsta, 17, killed herself.

Jaylin. See here. From Odessa, Texas, this August 29, 2020 case involves Jaylin,8,
who died “from dehydration after a 44-year-old man [Daniel Schwartz] and a 34-year-old woman [Ashley Schwartz]forced her to continuously jump on a trampoline and didn’t allow her to drink water in the West Texas heat.””She wasn’t allowed to eat breakfast and she was required to jump on the trampoline without stopping for an extended period of time. The girl also wasn’t allowed to drink any water because she was not jumping.” “Guardians Daniel and Ashley Schwarz ” were both charged with capital murder, a capital felony.”

Child Deaths-US Foster Care  and Receiving Homes

Thy Chan. See here. From Oxford, Massachusetts, this August 19, 1997 case involves foster child Thy, 16, who died of viral encephalitis. “Her death raises the question of whether she needed medical help earlier. She was sick for at least two days before that ambulance was called.””During the past two years, 5 Investigates has uncovered thousands of pages of records documenting alleged neglect and abuse of many other foster children in the [Ray and Susan] Blouin’s home for years.

Kendra Czekaj. See here. From Sacramento, California, this January 15, 2020 case involves a foster child Kendra, 12, in a receiving home. She “died Wednesday night after being struck by a vehicle on the Capital City Freeway, with a California Highway Patrol spokesman saying the child was trying to stop a teen who had run away from a nearby children’s receiving home and onto the highway.”

4-Month-Old Baby. See here. From Oregon, this February 2020 case involves a 4-month-old baby who died in unexplained circumstances. The baby has not been identified and no arrests have been made.

Thomas Boyles. See here. From Longmont, Colorado, this April 24, 2019 case involves a 16-month-old Thomas who “died as a result of blunt force injuries to the head and trunk. In addition, [forensic pathologist]Frank noted the presence of some healed rib fractures.” “Doctors said the injuries were more consistent with a child being thrown down or shaken violently.” Vincent Johnson, 26, and Cassidy Lemmon, 23, the foster parents were charged with 3 counts of felony child abuse. Vincent has a hearing on 1/15/21.

Amari Boone. See here. From Fort Worth, Texas, this April 12, 2020 [Easter Sunday] case involves Amari, 3, who “died of fractured ribs, two broken arms, bleeding in his brain and bruises. His death has been ruled a homicide.” Deondrick Foley and Joseph M. Delancy II are the foster parents and they have not been arrested.

Joseph Chacon. See here. From Palmdale, California, this January 24, 2020 case involves Joseph, 19-months-old, who died while being “unresponsive in a car seat inside his foster mother’s vehicle.” The foster parents have not been identified and no arrests have been made.

Donte May. See here. From Peoria, Illinois, this June 1997 case involves Donte, 3, who “died of cerebral injuries from blunt trauma.” His foster mother, Loreaca Ferguson, has never been indicted.

Raven Thompson. See here. From Fargo, North Dakota, this May 6, 2020 case involves Raven, 5, who died from “recent and longer-term blunt force trauma to her head, neck, chest, stomach and extremities.” Erich and Tammy Longie has been indicted on a first-degree murder charge. “Both Erich and Tammy’s trials have tentatively been set to begin on Tuesday, Aug. 11. The trials are expected to last five to seven days. ” I have not found the trial.

Scorpio Sharp. See here. From Cape Canaveral, Florida, this March 1, 2020 case involves Scorpio, 6 months old, who died due to drowning. “Foster mother Ricky Nicole Tubbs, 25, was arrested Friday along with her roommate Tanya Galvin,41″ for that drowning.”On the night before Sharp’s death, deputies said Tubbs left the children with her boyfriend for the night and the plan was that she would return in the morning before he went to work but when she didn’t arrive on time, her boyfriend called her to let her know she needed to get home and that he would be leaving the kids with Galvin, which was not allowed.

Deputies said Tubbs had been drinking alcohol and doing narcotics that night and she didn’t return home until after Sharp was discovered in the plastic container.””Records show further investigation determined that Sharp was put in a bathtub at the home and drowned while in Galvin’s care and was ultimately discarded in the children’s room. His clothes were found soaked with water, lying on the bathroom floor next to the tub.” Tanya “has a docket sounding on 2/24/21.Ricky pled not guilty and has a calendar call of 12/16/2020.”

Mandisa Sizemore. See here. From Cuyahoga County, Ohio, this June 16, 2020 case involves Mandisa, 22 months old, who died “by “choking on foreign material.” ““Mandisa Sizemore was unattended. And she was apparently chewing playing cards and died.” The “Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s office” called it “accidental”. Her foster parents have not been identified and no one has been arrested.

Aiden Seeley. See here. From Pueblo, Colorado, this September 18, 2020 case involves Aiden, 15 months old, who died “from injuries sustained from child abuse.” Foster parents Ramondo Jones and Dacey Spinuzzi have been arrested.

Byron York. See here. From Buffalo, New York, this 2019 case involves Byron York, 6, who died “of blunt force trauma to multiple parts of his body.” Jermaine St. John, his foster father, was arrested for first degree manslaughter.

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