The Travelling Van that Searches for Kidnapped Chinese Children

By on 12-09-2012 in China, Trafficking

The Travelling Van that Searches for Kidnapped Chinese Children

It is estimated that 30,000 to 60,000 children per year are trafficked in China.

We have reported more than 20 times on adoption schemes that involved the same human trafficking as described in this article.

This story (again) destroys the myth that Chinese families do not care about girls.

“Feng Jianlin’s daughter Feng Yun was  kidnapped at the age of nine by human traffickers in 2008.

Three months after his daughter’s  disappearance, Jianlin closed his tyre shop in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi  province, and decorated his small truck with pictures of the girl and his phone  number.

He has since travelled thousands of miles  around China in a bid to find her.

He said: ‘We’ll never give up looking for  her.”

‘My wife was overwhelmed and has been sick  ever since. My other two daughters miss their sister a lot. We all need  her.’

Feng Yun had just left home for afternoon  classes in March 2008 when she vanished. Her parents appealed for help from the  police and relatives in other cities, but their initial searches proved  fruitless

But in the four years since his daughter went  missing, Feng has never given up hope and has travelled thousands of  miles  around the country searching for her.

As time went by, he started to travel with  the parents of other missing children and added their pictures and details to  the side of his van.

Incredibly, Feng Jianlin has reunited nine  parents with their lost children, but tragically is still to find his own  daughter.”

Unfortunately, the money has run out

“Feng’s family now survives on a basic living  allowance from the government.

Since Yun disappeared, they have burned  through their entire savings and borrowed about 100,000 yuan – around £10,000 – from relatives.

Feng said: ‘The pain of failing to find our  daughter tortures us every day. But we just can’t afford it anymore; we have two  other daughters and my aging parents to care for.'”

Chinese parent of missing girl travels thousands of miles reuniting lost sons and daughters with their families as he searches for his own

[Daily Mail 11/19/12 by Suzannah Hills]

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