Powerful Video: International Adoption: In Whose Best Interest?

By on 12-13-2012 in Abuse in adoption, Adoptee, Adoption Reform, Adoption Statistics, Australia, Christian Adoption, Ethiopia, Guatemala, International Adoption

Powerful Video: International Adoption: In Whose Best Interest?

Peter Dodds, an international adoptee, created this 6 minute video here  that succinctly outlines the following issues that we also have covered in this blog:

  • Aboriginal placements and their aftermath, including Australian apologies
  • Statistics of how many children who live in orphanages have living parents
  • The Guatemala adoption debacle with a quote from the notoriously idiotic Elizabeth Bartholet
  • Poverty as the reason for most adoptive placements
  • Ethiopia adoption system debacle
  • Policies addressing corrupt adoptions in all of Africa
  • Children as commodities
  • Evangelical Adoption Crusade
  • Death of international adoptees by adoptive parents.

It makes an interesting comparison to the number of crib deaths in the US and how the US went about addressing that issue and how the US does not address adoptee death issue. The video uses the number of 24 international adoptee deaths since 1997.

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