Another Reason Why Adoptive Parents Should Care About Adoption Reform

By on 10-01-2011 in Adoption Reform, Reformatina's Hope

Another Reason Why Adoptive Parents Should Care About Adoption Reform

This morning I gave my husband a synopsis of the Hana Williams case as I read the new horrifying article that came out detailing some of her abuse . His comment: She’d be better off had she stayed in Ethiopia.

It dawned on me that here is yet another reason adoptive parents should care about reforming this horribly broken system: YOUR child could have been Hana Williams. Or any of the other children adopted and then killed or abused or used for perverse sexual purposes.

Chew on that for a moment. It feels different doesn’t it? Not as quite as unemotional as thinking about an unknown child. Think about your child as a child of the Williams. Difficult? Painful? It is for me.

Imagine your child being adopted, not by you, but by someone who does not value their life the way you do. Someone who would not treat them kindly or with love.And the way our system is set up, there is absolutely no reason why my child is with me and your child with you and not monsters. For children, the adoption game is too often a dangerous one of roulette. Would you want to be the child forced to play?

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