How Could You? Hall of Shame-Bridget Wismer-UPDATED

By on 10-06-2011 in Bridget Wismer, Delaware, How could you? Hall of Shame, Pennsylvania, Trafficking

How Could You? Hall of Shame-Bridget Wismer-UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Wilmington, Delaware, a Brookside Park, Delaware 33-year old mother Bridget Wismer sold her one-month-old baby to 54-year-old Philadelphia man, John Gavaghan around  September 28-30 for $15,000.

“The transaction is believed to have occurred between Sept. 28 and Sept. 30, when police executed a search warrant on Gavaghan’s home and found him with the child, said Cpl. John Weglarz of the New Castle County, Del., police.

Police there said they began their investigation on Sept. 4, when members of Wismer’s family expressed concerns that she might be trying to sell the newborn to a man from Philadelphia.

Despite investigations and interviews, police were initially unable to confirm the allegations. Then Gavaghan was caught on video filling out papers about the sordid transaction while at Delaware Park and Casino in Wilmington, Weglarz said. Busted hand in cookie jar

“It sounds ridiculous . . . but he was on video surveillance seen completing documents regarding the sale of a baby,” Weglarz said. “It was clearly visible.”

It’s unclear what documents Gavaghan signed, since the sale of a child is illegal, and it’s unknown why he signed them at a casino, Weglarz said.

Police said Gavaghan and Wismer met through mutual friends, most likely for the purpose of facilitating the transaction.

Wismer and Gavaghan have been charged with dealing in children and conspiracy. They remain free on bail.”

Police: Mom sold infant for $15K
[Philadelphia Daily News 10/5/11 by Stephanie Farr]

The baby’s name is Christian. “What followed was a close probe into the 33-year-old single mother of two, who doesn’t have a job and lives with her mother.

The Division of Family Services had begun its own investigation after receiving a similar report following the child’s birth in August.”

“Wismer told Fox 29 her mother refused to take care of the new baby, so she decided to seek help from Gavaghan, who has no kids of his own.”

“The baby was placed in foster care.

It was not known if either one had a lawyer.”

The mother ‘who tried to sell her one-month-old son to a friend for $15,000’
[Daily Mail 10/5/11]

REFORM Puzzle Piece

Update: “A mother accused of selling her new-born son for $15,000 to afford a trip to Disney World has pleaded guilty along with her baby’s intending buyer.

Delaware mother Bridget Wismer, 34, planned to use the money paid by 55-year-old John Gavaghan to take her other two children to the theme park before her arrest last summer, prosecutors alleged.

She pleaded guilty to the sale but mentally ill to falsifying her one-month-old’s birth certificate to list Gavaghan, who has a criminal record, as the boy’s father.”

“Both Wismer and Gavaghan reached a plea deal facing them with up to five years behind bars and a fine of up to $100,000 come their sentencing in August.

Wismer previously said that accusations she intended to sell her son named Christian to Gavaghan and his male partner were the result of a big misunderstanding.”

“They were arrested two days after Gavaghan received the baby thanks after suspicions by Wismer’s grandmother. The baby was placed in foster care.

In a Hallmark card given the Wismer at her baby shower by Gavaghan, two weeks before his delivery, allegedly thanked her for giving him a baby.

‘Bridget, thanks with all our hearts for giving me and Antonio a baby,’ Gavaghan wrote.

‘We love you, respect you and thank you with all our hearts,’ Gavaghan added. ‘You made our life full.’

Wismer said Gavaghan is a friend who offered to help when she found herself pregnant, in a difficult home situation, and unwilling to get an abortion.

She also says she didn’t want to give her baby up for adoption because she would never see him again.

‘I was just waiting for a miracle,’ she said, adding that she gratefully accepted Gavaghan’s offer to help. ‘I was so positive about what I was doing.’

Wismer said the charges stem from confusion on the part of her grandmother, who had alerted authorities that her granddaughter wanted to sell her baby to a homosexual couple.

A statement of probable cause said that a tipster advised authorities that Wismer was trying to sell the child because she did not want it and sought money for a trip to Disney World.

Wismer said that while Gavaghan has given her money to help pay bills and take care of her baby and her two other sons, there was never any agreement to sell her baby.”

“Instead, she agreed to let Gavaghan and his longtime partner, who has previously considered adopting a child, help her take care of the baby.

Wismer said a Division of Family Services worker had told her before the baby was born that DFS would close an investigation undertaken in response to the grandmother’s report, as long as social services officials in Philadelphia cleared Gavaghan.

Delaware authorities who interviewed several people said they indicated the tipster was confused about the circumstances, according to the statement of probable cause.

However, he told police he arranged to take the baby and put himself down on the birth certificate as the child’s biological father, even though that was not the case, according to the statement of probable cause.

Wismer said Gavaghan was at the hospital for the boy’s birth. Authorities allege that Gavaghan agreed to pay Wismer an additional $2,000 to have his name on the birth certificate, an accusation she denied.

Wismer said Gavaghan offered a couple of weeks ago to send her and her children to Walt Disney World as a Christmas present, but that he did not want her to tell the children because he wanted it to be a surprise.

‘He is the most generous person in the world,’ Wismer said.

Wismer also denied claims by authorities that the boy was born addicted to opiates. She said her son was born healthy but had a reaction that she believes was related to a pain reliever she had taken during her pregnancy, as well as her smoking and drinking caffeine while pregnant.

Wismer said she was aware that Gavaghan, who authorities allege has sold prescription drugs and been a bookmaker, had a criminal history that includes pleading guilty to theft and bad check charges.

‘I don’t think he’s a bad guy,’ she said.”

[Soap Operas wouldn’t have a storyline this crazy!]

Mother who tried to sell baby to get $15,000 for trip to Disney pleads guilty but mentally ill

[Daily Mail 6/8/12]

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