Twenty Chinese Delegates from CCCWA, Orphanages Touring the US for Eighteen Days UPDATED

By on 10-16-2011 in China, Official Visits, US

Twenty Chinese Delegates from CCCWA, Orphanages Touring the US for Eighteen Days UPDATED

One of their first stops was at the International Adoption Clinic in Alabama. Chinese officials meet, greet adopted children from nation [The Birmingham News 10/15/11 by Jeff Hansen]

“The clinic has helped parents adopt children from 44 countries, but on Friday the focus was China. Delegates from the China Center for Child Welfare and Adoption, along with heads of several Chinese orphanages and other Chinese government officials, toured the clinics at Children’s South, off Acton Road. The Chinese visitors got to talk with more than a dozen families and their Chinese-born children, and with the Children’s pediatric subspecialists who have treated those families and children.”

Dr. “Chambers said she hoped the result of Friday’s Chinese visit will be increased adoption ties across China. Alabama was just one stop for the delegation, which is touring in the United States for 18 days.”

She further states, “Probably 90 percent of children adopted from overseas have some special needs, Chambers said. These can range from minor burns to cleft palates or heart defects, orthopedic problems, Down syndrome, spina bifida, immune defects, and so forth. ”

Ambassador Susan Jacobs tweeted on October 12, 2011 that she had a “Productive meeting with officials from China Central Authority about adoption.”

If we discover other visit locations, we will update this post.

Update: “The CCCWA is the central adoption authority for China and an agency that operates under China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA), a cabinet-level department handling all of China’s domestic policy. Several MCA officials will be part of the delegation to offer expertise in global child welfare issues.

Seventeen delegates are traveling throughout the United States for 18 days. In addition to Alabama, they also have stops scheduled in Washington D.C., Georgia, Florida, Michigan, and New York. Over the course of their visit, they will meet with U.S. government officials, adoptive families and children, major adoption service providers, child welfare experts and institutions.”

Chinese delegates visit UAB adoption center
[ABC 33 10/14/11 by David Baird]

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