New Book about Haiti "Mission" of Laura Silsby

By on 10-16-2011 in Book Reviews, Haiti, Laura Silsby

New Book about Haiti "Mission" of Laura Silsby

We covered all the players and background about Laura Silsby and the other nine people that were arrested with her here. Now, her fellow “missionary” and nanny Charissa Coulter’s father, Mel, has penned a new book about the Haiti events. Eight of the ten people declined to be part of the book. . Pardon me. That leaves the only accounts covered in this book from Laura and her nanny Charissa…well…and Charissa’s dad who travelled to Haiti in May 2010.oh-jeez

The 328-page book is called Aftershock: A Journey of Faith to Haiti. Too bad he probably doesn’t mention the before shock, when they planned this mission in the summer BEFORE the earthquake.

“As he explains in his book’s introduction, he lived the experience vicariously through his daughter.

It was a story that needed to be told, he said.
The easy-to-read book includes personal interviews, journal entries, newspaper articles, emails and text messages from Silsby and several that Charisa sent to her father during her imprisonment. He asked the other eight missionaries to contribute to the book, but each of them, for one reason or another, declined. “
Oh yes, we are all so by their lack of participation…

One of the ten does explain in this article why he did not participate–politics and of course he will be writing his own book. money-4

“For me personally, it’s a book that wasn’t going in the direction that I wanted to go,” Thompson said, noting that Coulter wanted to focus on political issues that Thompson didn’t feel comfortable confronting. Thompson plans to write his own book about the ordeal but will focus on his own journal entries and thoughts. He has already posted several journal entries on his personal blog.

“Thompson previously told the Times-News that one of the things misleading in the press was the portrayal of how the group was arrested. The group was not arrested while physically crossing the border, he said, but while trying to secure paperwork at the police station in Port-au-Prince.”

“Chapter 12, “Experiencing Haiti,” is perhaps the book’s strongest chapter because it’s of the author’s own experiences in the country. The Haitian people are sincere and kind and still need help from the outside to build their future, he said. The government is another matter: It doesn’t respect the children, Coulter said.”

Yep, we agree with that last statement. It still doesn’t give anyone a right to do what this group did.

An Area Pastor and an author of a new book about Haiti have different views on how Haitian families treat their children
[Magic Valley 10/16/11 by Andrew Weeks]

Two other posts about this Haiti debacle can be found here.

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  1. I do not know the details of the case so I am not a defender. I did read your comment that the pastor was writing his own book and saw the moneybags emoticon. Could it be (to give someone the benefit of the doubt) the pastor wants another side presented? Better wait until the other book is published and what comes about it before a rush to judgment.

    • Pearson, it is naive of you to comment when you clearly don’t know the details of this story that I followed from Day One. Here is a quick summary: Laura set up the transfer of children to Dominican Republic scheme *the summer before* the earthquake. Please read that sentence again. The proof was on the church’s website. It was illegal to do so when they schemed it and it was illegal to do so when they did it. She WAS convicted of illegal travel. She is NOT a good Christian as she stiffed SEVERAL employees of her defunct Personal Shopper website PRIOR to her crusade. The employees had to sue to try to get wages that they had earned. For the whole story, read

      • Thank you for your response and I’m sorry I am just now reviewing it. What I wrote about was the site’s response to the Pastor writing his own book. There is an animated character with the dollars–the assumption being that he was writing just to make money.

        I am not disputing your claims about Laura Silsby–what I wondered about was questioning the motive for the pastor stating he would write his own book. If I were involved in a project that turned out the way this one did and felt the leader involved was misguided/criminal I would want the world to know my side of the story. Your response to my comment indicates proof being on the church’s website. Does that mean you believe the church was also involved in disception vs. being unwittingly playing a part?

        • I don’t know if they were ignorant or purposely understood that moving children across an international border and THEN placing them for adoption is unethical and illegal. That is the document that Laura worked from and it was a plan developed the summer PRIOR to the earthquake.

          • Thank you. If the pastor does write his book and we see another viewpoint I do look forward to your response.

          • By allowing this plan on the church website, do you not agree (ignorant or not of the laws), that there is culpability on his part?It seems that you do not.

  2. Sorry–big delay this time. No, going by what you write I would probably be agreement but I would still want to read his book for the other side presented and hear your comments. So far I don’t think anything has been published.

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